vampire knight im in love with a vampire chapter 2 ten years later

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10 years later

at cross acadamy at to moon dorm gates

the fan girls

fan girl 1; i want idol

fan girl 2;i want wild

here's yuki

her & angel wears the same uniform &their both garudions along with zero

yuki;ok everyone get back to to your dorm it's way past curfew

this is my vampire knight oc angel saiyuki

angel;get back to your dorms right now

the moon dorm gates opened & the fan girls screamed

the night class

here' kaname kuran smiling at angel

kaname;good morning angel *smiles*

angel;*blushes* good morning lord kaname

kaname's fan girls ;* gets very very jealous*


kaname's fan girls;*ran away*

here's zero kiyru

zero;annoying fan girls

yuki;come on guys better begin patroling


angel,yuki,zero split up

angel;*walking around & saw a couple of day class girls*hey you two should be back in your dorms wandering around at night is strickly probhited

day class girl 1; all we want is to take a couple of pics *fell on her knees*

angel;*saw blood on her knee* you need to live now * pushes them*

angel;*saw akasaki & aidou*you two should be in class

aidou;we smelled blood *smells angel's blood*you blood smells really good *his eyes turned red*

the 2day class girls fainted

angel;*saw aidou grabbed her hand*let go of me

aidou;i just want a taste * * bit her hand a little & starts drinking her blood* aidou stop it

zero;* arrives & points his bloody rose gunat aidou*drinking blood onschoolgrounds is strickly forbidden

aidou;but i already had a taste *licks his lips *

zero;*shoots his bloody rose gun & missed*

angel;watch were your shooting

here's kaname kuran

kaname;*arrives *that bloody rose of yours is very dangerous to us *looks at angel* i hope he didn't hurt you angel

angel;im fine it was just a little bite

kaame;i'll make sure they get their punishment


zero;*grabs angel & takes her away* this place ricks of blood t's making me sick

i'll make chapter 3 soon

vampire knight im in love with a vampire chapter 1 ten years ago part 1Where stories live. Discover now