Chapter 5

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The school bell rang and for once the shrill noise didn't make Russia reliefed, but worried instead. He didn't want to go to this stupid detention. He frustradely slammed his math book in his locker and then closed it. He sighed and stared down the corridor at the school exist. He wondered if he could make a run for it before any teacher would see him.

Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulders and almost screamed out loud in surprise. Luckily, he didn't do such thing and turned his head to the owner of the head instead.

United Nation stood next to him with an strict look on his face. His white laurel wreath looked a bit crooked and if he wouldn't look so threatening with his tallness, it would be funny. "No getting out of this for you." He simply said and Russia looked at the teacher in disbelief. "How the fuck did he know?", questioned Russia himself in his mind, but didn't actually ask UN about it.

The teacher grabbed for Russia's wrist, the one that was bandaged, and then dragged the country with him through the corridors. He felt like some kind of criminal. Unfortunately, UN was walking too fast, which lead to Russia almost tripping over literally nothing. And that not only once, but twice. So Russia stumbled after UN with a bit of struggle. It must have looked funny, because Russia could hear Poland laughing as they walked past the smaller country.

Quickly Russia shot Poland a death glare and ignored that his face was heating up in embarassment. Immediately Poland shut his mouth and suddenly seemed to be in quite a hurry. He ran over to Germany and France. The taller country rolled his eyes at the other country's action while he contintued to follow the teacher. "в семье не без урода." Russia mumbled. (*V sem'ye ne bez uroda./ There's a black sheep in every family.)

They stopped dead in their tracks at the music room. America was already leaning against the room. He stared at Russia at first and then his eyes went lower, down to his wrists. He eyed them in curiosity and Russia's breath hitched. He didn't like it when people stared at his arms. In an instant Russia teared his wrists out of UN's grip. America looked up again. "Did you try to run away or why was he holding your wrist?" America shot the taller country a dirty grin. Russia rolled his eyes again.

"Just shut up and let's get it over with." he said back. UN rolled his eyes at this as well, but made no comment to it. He began explaining their task. "Some students left the music room in a mess. So I want you to clean it up." The two countries just blinked at UN. This was going to be fun...

"I will lock the door for 90 minutes. When I'm back, I want to see the room clean, okay?" They both nodded in agreement. "I will be next door. So if I hear you two fight again..." He didn't finish his sentence and settled it with a strict glare instead. The two countries quickly nodded again. 

"Perfect!" UN now said with a more cheerful voice and opened the door to the music room. The countries entered without any protest. "Well then..." The teacher stood in the corridor and hold his hand over the door handle. "I will leave you two to it." He said, closed the door behind him and then locked it.

America and Russia just kinda stared at eachother for a whole minute straight while listening to UN's footsteps distancing themselves from their location. Eventually the footsteps stopped and the music room went awkwardly silent.

Russia looked down at America's arm that he has bitten earlier this day. The wounded arm was now bandaged like his own arm, but America apparently scrabbled a bunch of red and blue stars over his. It looked so childish that Russia couldn't suppress a tiny smile. It was kinda cute.

America blinked at Russia in confusion. "Why are you smiling? Enjoying your time with me?" he asked cocky and Russia's smile instantly faded away. He rolled his eyes and nervously walked over to the school desks to inspect them. Literally anything seemed to be better than looking at America at the moment. There was a stain of pudding on one of the desks. A student must have left it here without cleaning it up.

"So no apology for earlier?" America asked and grabbed the red bucket next to him. It was filled with water. "You almost choked me to death, did you expect me not to defend myself somehow?" Russia bitterly said back and turned around to America.

"You are a country, you are not going to die from lack of oxygen." America simply said back, as if it would justify his action. He had a blank look on his face and Russia furrowed his eyebrows together. Russia didn't answer immediately. He stretched his hands out for one of the sponges laying on the windowshell while he thought about his answer.

"Then me biting your arm can't be any worse than you choking me." Russia said and kept his eyes on America as he dunked the sponge into the red water bucket. "Answer me one thing, Russia." America said and Russia almost groaned in annoyance. He turned around with the now wet sponge. "Sure... What is it?" He asked America nonetheless.

"My arm is bandaged becauce you bit me. And well, I can't really think of any person who would be able to seriously hurt you in a fight..." He stopped talking for a moment, then proudly added: "Except me, of course... But it wasn't me, so this still leaves the question: Why is your arm bandaged?" Russia widend his eyes. Noone acutally ever asked him about his bandages. He didn't even make up a stupid excuse for it yet. He regretted wearing a t-shirt now.

He nervously placed the sponge on the dirty school desk and rubbed over it to clean up the pudding. "I, uh..." Russia bit his lips. This was going awful already. "I tried to scale a fence." he wanted to mentally slap himself for his bad lie, but it was too late now. His words already left his mouth.

There was a snort, then silence. A minute passed before America spoke up again. "Russia, you cut your arm didn't you?" Russia almost let the sponge fall to the ground. With shaking hands he tightend his grib around the sponge and turned around to America.

"What the fuck do you want from me?" he snarled back at the slighty smaller country. "So you are not denying that you do?" Russia just huffed. "Wouldn't change a thing now anyway." America rubbed over his own arm. He seemed to be in thoughts.

"Okay, listen." America crossed his arms and Russia stared back at him. It's not like he had any choice to not do so anyway. "I will blackmail you into being my friend." ...

Russia let out a extremly loud laughter. "What the fuck, America." His eyes were almost tearing up at the hilarious thought and he wiped over his eyes, but America just smiled back at Russia. "You will sit with me at the dining table, we will do homework together and all that stuff." Russia shook his head while trying to hold in his laughter. "Or what?" 

"Or I will tell everyone you self harm."
"... Wait, what-"
"I mean, even if it isn't true, they would rather believe me than you."
"You're kidding me. You can't blackmail someone into being your friend."
"Watch me."

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