Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"The beginning of compunction is the beginning of a new life"

~George Eliot

Jungkook POV

"Sir, we're about to reach the destination" The driver speaks as he glances at my reflection on the rear view mirror. I nod and look back at the window, staring at the changing scenery.

"Jungkookie! We're almost here!" J-Hope shakes my shoulders excitedly. I sigh but manage to give him a small smile. Even though my stomach feels queasy, J-Hope's happiness causes me to cheer up. He is always like a dad to me.

"Ah, fix you tie" Jin mutters, adjusting the dangling tie around my neck. As much as J-Hope is like a dad, Jin is like a mom.

"Whoa! The school is huge!" Taehyung's face is only centimeters away from the window, his expression looking amazed.

"Yah, stop acting like a child..." Suga mutters, trying to pull back the excited Taehyung. "You're not the one going to school..."

I turn my direction towards the window, my stomach instantly flipping. The school is right in front of me, which means that being part of the band is soon going to become a temporary memory. I sigh- there is no going back now. In a second, a crowd of screaming girls and excited boys surround the entrance of my door, making it almost impossible for me to exit out of the car.

"Wow" Taehuyng stares at the crowd with his mouth opened. Security guards immediately goes to work, and with hesitation, I open the car door and step into the light. The screaming gets louder, causing even more security guards to come and help. I smile and wave at the crowd, and for a moment, the queasiness of my stomach goes away.

I turn my direction from the crowd to the building. Taehyung is right, the school is enormous. As I examine the building, my eyes suddenly meet something at the roof of the school.

Using my hand as a shield from the sun, I squint and see a faint image of a girl's head, who is looking at me. Once she sees me, she flinches and pops her head back inside the roof. I scratch my head but shrug, and look back at the crowd.

The other members exit out of the car and stands behind me, causing the screaming to get louder. My Hyungs smile and wave at the crowd happily. Jimin wraps his arm around me, causing me to smile in embarrassment.

"Ah, our Jungkook looks so cute in his uniform" Rap Monster smiles as he walks up to me.

"So handsome" Jimin laughs as he adjusts my bangs, causing everyone, including the crowd of fans, to laugh.

"Hey, let's take a picture!" Suga shouts over the screams, taking his camera out and giving it to our manager. All my Hyungs smile as they crowd around me.

"Say 'Kimchi'!" Suga manages to mutter through his uncomfortable looking smile, while putting an arm around my shoulder. I smile and wait until I see a flash.

"What a beautiful picture" an unfamiliar voice suddenly exclaims. I look up to see a middle aged man walking up to me. He smiles warmly at me, and walks slowly towards me as he cups his hands together behind his back.

"Ah, you must be the principal" Rap Monster walks up to him.

"Haha, yes. I'm Principal Choi" He bows and shakes Rap Monster's hand. We all bow respectfully and smile at him.

"Now, shall we discuss some things?" He asks us as security guards slightly pushes the crowd to make a small road for us to walk through. I nod and follow him to the school.

Here goes nothing.


"It's been like, what, 3 years?" J-Hope grins as Principal Choi guides me to my room, which is actually making me feel just a bit excited. Maybe school won't be so bad. I get to improve my singing and dancing. Maybe I'll make a friend or two, just like the old days back in elementary school.

"Yeah, it's been a while" Suga mutters, looking around the hallway. Many students pass by us, all of them waving and hopping around happily. A few times, we wave back, causing some girls to almost faint. I notice a few girls crying in joy when I smile at them. To be honest, I can't imagine living through this everyday, but I guess I'm going to have to manage.

 "I want go back to school" Suga smiles, shaking his head.

"Yeah me too. All of a sudden" J-Hope laughs, causing me to laugh with him. I'm so glad that my Hyungs are coming to school with me for the first day. I don't know where I will end up without them being here.

Soon we reach the boys' dorm, and we suddenly stop at a door. Principal Choi hands me a pair of keys, smiling.

"Okay, I'll stop bothering you now" Principal Choi exclaims, "This is your room. You should rest, I'm sure you had a long day" He bows and leaves. I open the door and enter my new room with the other members tailing me behind.

"Wow" Rap Monster mutters. "A whole room to yourself.."

"I envy you, Jungkook!" Jin smiles and starts walking around the room.

"Thanks" I mutter, and sit down on my new bed. I know they're just saying that to cheer me up.

"Okay" Rap monster lets out a deep breath and puts a hand on my shoulder. "We have to go now. Our broadcast is in thirty minutes"

"Oh our little Jungkookie is growing up!" Jin interrupts.

"I'm going to miss you, Jungkook!" Jimin and Taehyun hugs me.

"Have fun in school!" Suga smiles.

"Don't forget us" J-Hope messes my hair, making all of us laugh.

I smile back, though my heart is secretly in pain.


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