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Time: 5:52 PM, later that day

Roman: hello again!

Me: hey Princey. U feeling any better?

Roman: a lot better, actually! Yourself?

Me: eh. Bored.

Roman: same. I had to skip rehearsal today :(

Me: that sucks. But hey, at least you're better now, so you can go tomorrow, right?

Roman: I suppose so. What'd you do today?

Me: nothin' special. Went grocery shopping, made some cookies, the usual

Roman: sounds eventful

Me: it's rly not. Usually after 3-4 pm, I'm at home doing nothing

Roman: :( . Explore your town! When I get bored, I like to drive around and find little stores and cafes nearby. It's always fun to discover new things.

Me: thanks for the idea, I'll do that tomorrow.

Roman: now that I think of it, do you need to be anywhere soon?

Me: nah. Why?

Roman: we should FaceTime! I still don't know what you sound like.

Me: sure, let's do it. Plus, it'll be good to see that your real, and not some 60 year old man trying to get in my pants.

Roman: ditto. I'll call u in a sec

Me: I'll be here

POV: 3rd person

Virgil waited by his phone anxiously. What if he really was some old guy? He thought. What if I got catfished? He bounced his knee up and down from where he sat on his couch. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea-
The phone rang loud, causing Virgil to jump. After a couple seconds, he answered.
"Hello, Virgil!" The phone boomed.
Virgil sighed with relief. "Thank god your not a creep. Hey Princey." Roman giggled, shaking his head. "And me to you. I must say, that makeup looks even better in person. Well, not in person. I meant, like, in a video. Except a live video, not a pre-recorded video. Gah, you get what I mean." Roman rambled, clearly also shaken up before making the call. Virgil laughed, covering his face.
"Gawh, you're making me blush." The emo joked,

though he really was. Wait what? I haven't even met him in person yet! Virgil thought.
"I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit nervous before making the call. This wouldn't have been the first time someone hid their identity from me." Roman giggled a little, as if remembering a memory.
"Oh god. Spill." Virgil said, smiling.
"Well, a couple years back, I was on an online dating site. I was chatting with this guy, who went by Terrence. He was cute, so I casually invited to meet up with him. He eventually said yes. We met at Oakwood Park, the one by that cafe shop, Baby's coffee. Turns out, it's, infact, a dude MUCH too old for my liking. I took one look at him, laughed, and walked away." Roman finished his story.
"Wow. I would've thrown hands at the dude if I were catfished. Also, funny enough, I work at Baby's coffee." The emo said.
"Really? I've heard it's good, I've only been there once though, like a year ago."
"I've only been working there for a few months, but yeah it's pretty good. Anyways, did the dude ever text you again?" Virge asked, semi worried for Romans safety.
"Oh, no no no. I sent him a long paragraph, telling him I'd report him to the police if he dared try to contact me again, and blocked him." The princely man said with a smile, as if it were nothing.
"Sucks to suck." Virgil said with a shrug.
Roman stifled a laugh. "That just doesn't sound right." "I didn't think of it like that!" Virgil laughed.
"Hey, Roman?" The emo heard a voice from off screen. Roman sighed. "Yeah, Pat? I'm a little busy here." Roman gestured to the phone.
"Oh? Who are ya talking to? I swear if your on one of those dating sites again-"
"Chillax, Pat. It's just a friend. Can I continue my conversation now?" Roman said, clearly impatient.
Patton smiled as he entered the frame and waved at Virgil.
"Hiya, kiddo! I've got to talk to Roman for a sec here, do you think you can call back in," the bubbly boy checked his watch, "twenty minutes maybe?"
Virge only smiled at the giddy personality.
"It's no problem. See ya later, Roman."
The prince groaned. "Farewell, Virge."

Call ended.
6:03 PM - 6:45 PM
42 minutes.

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