Maddy was a 15 year old girl who suffered with depression,and seemed to get worse everyday,with her parents hating her and her 7 brother being the only person who cares,Maddy wants her crush to notice her but he's popular and she's not,and with the...
I got up at 7am and found my uniform under a pile of clothes and got dressed
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before heading downstairs and throwing some bread in the toaster , then after I ate breakfast I ran upstairs and brushed my teeth and grabbed my hairbrush before leaving the house.As soon as I got outside I started into a small jog and headed towards the woods,there was a few people around but not many so I hung back from the crowds and continued on my route to school.
I made it to school,panting for breath after sprinting the rest of the way here,pulling up my watch I read the face of it,8:15, "just in time" I sighed as I pulled my bag off my back,pushing my way through the main door and then walked to my locker... but as I turned the corner, he was there,"Chris and the bastards" I muttered under my breath as i sighed and continued walking to my locker,only to get there and get pinned to the wall by the boys,as usual "Hey you nerdy bitch" one of them called before punching me in the jaw and knocking my tooth out,then continued to beat me for 5 or so minutes and as they walked away I was left there bruised and bleeding,whimpering in pain....
Chris's pov I feel so bad for her,she's just lying there in pain,crying for help ugh god I just wanna help her yet but I don't wanna be seen as "the guy who helped a freak" maybe next time I can help her.... yea.. next time..
Maddys pov I pulled myself off the ground using the only strength I had left and started walking to my first period which happened to be science,I made my way to class and sat down at the back corner...
326 words! I hope you all enjoyed and I'll cya next time