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Changbin_enthusiast has logged in

Changbin_enthusiast: gUYS

Changbin_enthusiast: hELP

Changbin_enthusiast: I cANT sLEEEeEEP

Changbin_enthusiast: oh sheeeez

Changbin_enthusiast: notice me biatches

Godly Vocals, Hyunjin:innocent, BundlesAreLife, and I.Nnocent Maknae has joined

BundlesAre Life: shushhhh

BundlesAreLife: can u be quiet Felix

BundlesAreLife: its almost 3 in the morning and ur still awake

Hyunjin:innocent: uhm

Hyunjin:innocent: shushing him in a gc isn't gonna work hyung Hyunjin's right bc he's fELIX

Changbin_enthusiast: *dabs agressively*

Changbin_enthusiast: anYWAYS hElP

Godly Vocals: you said that a minute ago

Godly Vocals: what was your nightmare abt?

Changbin_enthusiast: well yesterday I pissed a certain someone off so I hid for my dear life

Changbin_enthusiast: then Mr. Im-cute-but-a-devil-spawn bursts into the room I was hiding in

Changbin_enthusiast: then the next thing i knew Im about to be thrown off the second floor

I.Nnocent Makane: yAh I didn't do that!!

Changbin_enthusiast: oOH yES yOu dID mAte

Changbin_enthusiast changed I.Nnocent Maknae's name to DevilSpawn.exe

DevilSpawn.exe: wth felix

Changbin_enthusiast: i hAVE bEeN jEoNgINniZED

Godly Vocals: "jeonginized"?

Hyunjin:innocent: u mean " traumatized"

Changbin_enthusiast: well it was caused by Jeongin so it should be named after him

DaddyChan has joined

DaddyChan: can u kids sleep alrdy?!

DaddyChan: y'all gonna wake up the others they were smart enough to leave their phones on silent not vibrate >> on second thought do YOU EVEN KnOW SLEeP**


DaddyChan: ...whatever im off

DaddyChan has left

Godly Vocals: well y'all heard Chan

Godly Vocals: sleep now kiddos did you ju-

BundlesAreLife: alrite boys sleep now did u just cut me thru text ^

BundlesAreLife: idk but bye

Hyunjin:innocent and BundlesAreLife has left okay fine has left

DevilSpawn.exe: was it that bad?

Changbin_enthusiast: yES IT WAS

Changbin_enthusiast changed his name to Jeonginized

Jeonginized and Godly Vocals has left

DevilSpawn.exe: was that so bad???


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