Chapter 2

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Percy POV

BANG! I woke up to a loud sound which I'm guessing is either something going wrong or The Amazons just wake eachother up with a bang. I looked at the clock that was hung up on a wall above my desk, 7AM great. I was still kind of tired so I decided I'll go back to sleep, but The Amazons had other plans. 5 minutes later there was a knock on my door and a voice saying I should get up. I grudgingly got up and walked to my wardrobe I hadn't packed clothes but it seems the wardrobe already had clothes in it that were my size. I put on some black pants, black Jordans, a shirt I know Thalia will love and a black jacket. I checked to see if riptide was still in my pocket. Yep it's still with me. I walked out of the room and into the hallway. Thalia's room was to my right and Nico's to my left.

I went to Nico's room because I didn't want to be fried by Thalia or become Percy-on-a-stick if she uses her spear. I ahem knocked on Nico's door. No reply.

"NICO DID YOU FINALLY GO TO YOUR OWN DOMAIN?"I stood outside the door until it swung open.

"Ugh Perce I hate you and no I haven't gone to my domain yet."

"Wanna wake Thals?" I asked smiling slyly

"Lets go." He smirked. We were about to walk to Thalia's room which was 10 feet away, but speak of the devil and she sha come, or is the devil Nico? I don't know but let's just say Thalia finally came out of her room.

"Sleeping beauty has awoken" Nico said with a small smirk.

"Yeah nice to see you too Nico and hey Per- WHAT ARE YOU WEARING!" She screamed. I laughed and so did Nico until Thalia came and slapped me.

"Take. It. Off. Now." She said

"I'm pretty sure Lady Artemis wouldn't like it if I took my shirt off after all your her lieutenant" I said grinning, I was wearing a 'I Hate Green Day' shirt.

She blushed and then growled.

"I didn't mean it like that just go change it"

"Fine" I was still grinning because Thalia's reaction was priceless. I walked into my room and put on a black v-neck, I walked out of my room and made my way to where everyone was eating. When I walked in The Amazons either smiled just looked at me but didn't smile or frown and some just glared. I'm guessing the ones glaring were from Otrera's little girl gang. I smiled as I saw Hylla and was about to go say hello until I was tackled to the ground.

"Percy!" Bet you can't guess who it was. Yep it was Kinzie.

"Hey Kinzie can you please get off of me?"

"Oh right, sorry" She said.

"It's fine but Kinzie I'm still dating Annabeth and I'm actually here to train for some task Athena is going to give me so I can propose to Annabeth"

"Oh" She looked downcast but looked up again smiling, "You better invite me or I will murder you"

"I will don't worry" She walked back to her table and I turned and walked over to Thalia and Nico and saw Hylla had moved seats so she was there too.

"Hey Hylla" I said giving her a hug.

"Hey Percy nice to see your well and it looked like Kinzie was definitely happy" We both laughed,

"Well I'm going to propose to Annabeth that's why I'm here but it's nice to be here without you guys locking me up and having to escape via Arion who runs so fast I wanted to puke" She laughed and we both sat down again. We ate our breakfast just talking and joking and also trying to guess what task Athena would give me seeing as she said it would be harder than the 12 Labours Of Heracles.

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