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Blake's POV

My feet pounded against the ground as I ran into the darkness. The only thing I could think to do was run. I didn't even want to look back.

???: "Enough running!!" Shouted the male voice from behind. I fell to the ground with a searing pain in my heels. I looked down to see that they had both been cut.

Blake: "Stay back!!" I pleaded while he drew closer. His footsteps grew closer as I saw the red hew glow brighter and brighter. The gleam of his sword in the moonlight filled me with fear.

???: "Die beloved." He brought his sword down as I shut my eyes tightly.


My body shot forward as sweat beaded down my forehead. My chest rose up and down at an erratic pace. I need to calm down or I would only get worse. Arms wrapped around me and pulled me close.

(Y/N): "I'm here Blake." He whispered in my ear as a few tears dropped down my face. They stained his shirt as I just stayed there. His hand rubbed against my back while my breathing began to slow. Soon my eyes closed once again and his embrace drifted me to sleep once more.

Timeskip - Morning

(Y/N)'s POV

My eyes opened to see Blake with her arms wrapped around my chest. Her breathing was slowly and steady. A smile spread across my face and I kissed her forehead. It was already morning so I decided to wake her gently.

(Y/N): "Wake up Blake." I softly shook her and she stirred awake.

Blake: "Five more minutes." She groaned. I just pulled her close while she snuggled her head against my chest. Five minutes flew by and we sat up slowly. She pecked my lips and smiled.

(Y/N): "Good morning sleepy head." I told her. She returned the smile and hugged me.

Blake: "Thank you." She told me.

(Y/N): "For what?" I questioned.

Blake: "For last night." She said. I just wrapped my arms around her.

(Y/N): "I'll always be here for you my kitten." I told her. She let go of me and hopped out of the bed.

Blake: "I'm gonna go take a shower." I nodded. She entered the bathroom and I got out of the bed. I retrieved a pair of blue jeans and a (f/c) t-shirt. After a couple of minutes Blake exited the bathroom. I entered it and turned the hot water on.

Once the water was at a right temperature I discarded my clothes and entered the shower. The stinging sensation felt wonderful against my skin. I quickly washed myself and stepped out of the shower. After I dried myself off, I put my clothes on and left the bathroom.

Blake: "You ready to go?" She asked.

(Y/N): "Still got one more day to relax so might as well enjoy it." I told her. She wrapped her fingers around mine as we left the dorm. The halls were rather quiet, but I didn't mind. A little piece and quiet never hurt.

We walked around the school and eventually found ourselves in the courtyard under the shade of a tree. Blake laid her back against my chest and I stared at the leaves above us.

(Y/N): "Are you okay Blake?" I asked her. She seemed surprised at the sudden question.

Blake: "Why do you ask that?" She questioned.

(Y/N): "I know you're usually a quiet type of person, but you haven't said a word ever since we left the dorm." I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer against me.

Shadows of the Past (Blake Belladonna x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now