Who? (Prologue)

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I don't know how all of this got started, but...well actually I do know how this got started.

Basically 4 years ago my mom decided that I needed a hobby, and her being her, persuaded me to look for a hobby on the "shady" side of town. I figured it out-not knowing at the time was this particular place was-I was going to work in a brothel. One might wonder what mother let's her daughter work in a brothel?

I was a Daddy's girl very sheltered, attended the most prestigious private school, was in line for valedictorian, and don't forget the last one-incredibly naive. I mean extremely, it took my dad three weeks just to find someone to explain to me why girls and boys didn't change in the same room, mind you I was 10 but still.

This leads to how my mom absolutely and utterly loathed my Daddy. Mom told me that it would be fun, and would look amazing on a college resume. It was more of her encouraging me than it was giving me permission.

So here I am dressed like a hooker in front of the Woodway Preps most famous jock.


"Sweetie just go to the other side of town. There is nothing here. Hobbies and interests are something you need on a college resume." My mom was a tall blonde lady with crystal blue eyes which was nothing like me. I looked like my dad who had Brown hair and green eyes. We also had tiny noses which I was reminded of 24/7.

"But, Daddy says it's a bad part of town."

"What are you five?" She curled her lip in disgust. Her and my father were never married up until the age of 13 I didn't know why, but I soon realized she's a gold-digging whore.

"Okay, fine." I headed out about half a mile out of the good part of town and into a small side of Columbus, Ohio that most high-end people refrain from going.

Once I got out of my comfort zone area I was approached by two burly looking guys. "Looking for some fun sweetheart?" the taller one asked.

My mom did say get a hobby. "Yeah, do you know where I can find some?" The guys looked at each other in amusement.

"Yeah. Here," he handed me a piece of paper. "Go to this address and ask about the brothel. If someone wants to know why you asked tell them Billy sent you and you're looking for some fun." I took the paper and headed for the address not bothering to google the word 'brothel'. I was probably some new inner chi exercise or something.

Once I arrived all I could hear was grunting a whole lot if it. Maybe you had to be super flexible for this stuff.

"Why are you here?" I heard a booming voice ask.

"Umm...Billy sent me," I said looking at the ground, "I'm just looking for some fun." He started speaking a different language, so I glanced up to see what was going on.

He finally stated, "Too young. Send her to Drake."

Another guy came and dragged me off into a dark room. He told me to sit on the bed in the room and wait for someone to come.

Soon I heard the door open, but I couldn't see anyone. "Hello?" I asked my voice had become shaky. I was scared.

"Hey, it's okay Billy's an idiot. Do you even know what a brothel is?"

"Isn't it like Zumba?" I questioned highly confused.

He let out a laugh. "Not exactly. Do you know what a prostitute is?"

"Eeew, yes I do. Why is that relevant?"

"Well-wait relewhat?"

"It means important." I was now having a conversation with a stranger in the dark.

"Oh. Well a brothel is where prostitutes work and or live." He finally stated.

"What? Why would my mom send me here?" My eyes widened.

"Maybe, she wants revenge." he said quietly.

"Revenge? Why?"

"That's what my mom always wants. Maybe our moms are alike?" He suggested.

"I want to go home. To my Daddy's house."

He snorted, "You must be a daddy's girl. I'll take you just tell me where."

I hesitated. Should I really be telling a stranger where my dad lives? "He lives in the Oak Vally Housings."

He lets out a low whistle. "That's pretty far. I'll drive you."

"Do you even have a license or a car?"

"No, but I can drive and I can borrow my Uncle's car."

"Okay." I was extremely hesitant now.

"Stay right here, I'll be right back." He left and two minutes he came back with keys. "Let's go." he grabbed my hand and led me through the hall and outside.


We got to the gates of Oak Vally, I had thanked Drake, complemented him on his illegal driving, and was ready to get out when he grabbed my arm stopping me.

"I want you to have my number. Just incase you get lost or run into trouble again." I handed him my phone and he put his number in then called his with it. "I don't even know you're name." He said giving me my phone back.

I didn't want to give him my name. I mean he already new where I lived. "I'll give you my name if you tell me what you were doing in a brothel." I shivered after saying the word, finally knowing what it meant.

"How about I just call you Princess?" He stated his lips forming a thin line.


4 years after that very day and I'm just now getting a text from the boy who saved my ass from being a prostitute. He was an Angel to me then.

But now...do you know what that text said, 'Meet me at school early tomorrow or I'm telling your Daddy the real reason you don't want to see you mom anymore.'

September 14, 2014
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