Baby Business : Chapter One

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Chapter One

Sometimes we need to stop analysing the past, stop planning the future, stop figuring out precisely how we feel, stop decided exactly what we want, and just see what happens.

Sex and the City

 Bronx ran into her bedroom and hid in the closet. Adrenaline pumped through her chest and fear escalated. She buried herself in a mountain of clean/dirty clothes. She sat cross-legged on the tiny floor, awaiting her fate. No. This wasn't an intense game of hide and seek. It was more of a 'I'm hiding don't you dare come looking for me' kinda gig. 

She spied through the small key hole and wasn't a bit suprised at what she saw. Her father was staring straight at her hidding spot. Dang! He found her! He stalked over to the closet and flung open the doors. Bronx sat nervously and smiled broadly at her father,

"Hi Daddy," Her smile increased when his face furrowed in a frown and he shifted his weight from one leg to another. 

She knew she was in big trouble. She was hoping that her father was joking about the "good smack on the hide" thing, because she wasn't big on corporal punishment. Or any punishment for that matter. But Bronx knew what was coming. Her father gave her twenty dollars to go into the city and find a job. 

You know that term about 'listening to your heart?'. Don't do it. Ever. Following her dreams and heart, Bronx did what she wanted at college. Now what job was she supposed to get as a theatre major? So, she took initiative and went shopping at the thrift store; the only place she could afford.

But how was she supposed to get hired or even considered for a job when she was still using her successful sister's hand-me-downs? But her parents simple could not understand. Her mother was more lenient, give her a sympathetic smile and a pathetic pat on the back for anything she did. Many a late curfews and drunk nights got ignored and the vengeful glare replaced by the pitiful glance. 

But come on, she was an adult, a woman, an independent source! She pointed this out to her parents daily but then they reminded her that she was living rent free under their roof, eating their food. 

"Don't 'Hi Daddy' me! You were supposed to find a job! Not a new outfit!" he bellowed at her. He was clearly more angry than she thought, usually the word dropping of 'Daddy' softened him a little bit. But not this time, she was obviously going to get it. 

"But Dad!' she whined, "No one wants to hire a twenty-three year old, living at home, with hardly any qualifications! Not even the pet store will hire me! Not even when I offered to wash their fu-" her father glared at her hotly, "-dging dogs!"

Bronx got her potty mouth from her sister's boyfriend, now husband,  but of course, they wouldn't know that. Britney was the perfect one. Bronx, however, was considered a collasal screw-up of the family. 

"Look at Britney!-" Her father started, 

Oh here we go, he goes of ranting about Britney's perfect life, and how she put herself through college, and not to mention her absolutely perfect husband Frank. Oh no... They could do no wrong. Bronx wasn't jealous per say, just angered that everyone thought so bad of her and so wonderful of her sister. If they knew how many times she sneaked out...

"-I want you out by the end of the month if you don't find a job!"

"But Daddy-" she pleaded.

"No buts Ronnie. It's for your own good, you can't live here forever, especially if you don't chip in," he finished, walking away and closing her bedroom door with a light click. 

Bronx sighed and reclined on her white summer dress, hearing the crunch of the undercoat brought her to reality.

I needed a job. Now.


Brody sat in the plastic clinic chair looking almost as uncomfortable as he felt. He was at a well-known fertility doctor and was clearly an odd ball in this game. He was the butt of all stares, both men and women. So far, he was the only male who wasn't accompanied by a wife or girlfriend leaving many to suspect why he was there. 

The nurse called his name loudly and as he stood, many eyes rose as well. He mentally rolled his eyes and walked behind the cute nurse with the tight ponytail. She showed him the door to the doctors office. He smiled politely and knocked on the door. 

He was suprised to hear a male voice beckon him in. His nervous levels rose and he pulled his guard up. When the doctor questioned him about all the usual suspects of a man going to a fertility clinic, her became curious as the all came back negative.

The doctor's face was painted with confusion as he asked,"I don't understand, what do you want?"

Brody swallowed and adjusted his black glasses, his Adam's apple bobbled up and down as he answered, "I want.. I want a baby,"


First Installment. This is officially my first story, my other story Young. is being revised and revamped so, this is my baby for now :) That's Bronx at the side.

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