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Laura's POV

It's 12:00am and I'm still packing yes I've spent the last hours packin for the tour :)

Jennifer was ready already

I just finished the last bag.. Finally

I climbed into bed and fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up by nothing aha okay it's 7:30 SHITE GOT 30 mins omg

I quickly got changed into my black skinny jeans with my gold sequins around the belt, with my white and pink polo shirt, I then slipped on my shoes and brushed my hair while putting into a side platt. I applied some light make up and rushed downstairs with all my bags with me, which means me falling down the bloody stairs.

"OMG Laura are u alright" a voice said wtf

I looked up and OHHH

Every one was there standing yes EVERYONE, overload,Harvey,bam,Blair and Jennifer. The rest were laughing while jordi helped me up. Thanks to him

"Thank u jordi " I said to him

"No problem"

We stood there smiling and staring until charlie spoke up .jelous charlie lol

"Anyway we have 20 mins till we have to get to the airport" charlie said

"LEGGO" Leo shouted while grabbing Jennifer's hand and running out to the mini bus

We all went out but everybody left me with my bags well cheers everyone..

I got my stuff and walked outside struggling.

"U want some help with that " jordi came up and asked I just nodded he then took all my bags wtf

"I only wanted some help not all" I chuckled

"I just wanted to be helpful" he then put then in the back and we got in but charlie looked pissed off for some reason..I'll talk to him later about that..

About 15 min later we arrived, we all got out putting our bags on the trolly and waited untill our plane got called out.






"Flight 109 to America plz bored on now" the lady said

We all got our stuff and boreded the plane, the seats were like this's




Jennifer and Leo

Hopefully ur get it.


Just then my phone buzzed

From unknown:

Hey I just want to I like u a lot ;) xx

Who the hell is that...

A/n hey guys sorry it's short but who do u think the person tht likes Laura is..

And I might add an other character soon so stay tuned could be uxxx I'll update soonxx

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