3. "This is the drop off.."

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"Guys- Come look at this." Felix tried to whisper while waving the waiting members over as he peeked back into one of the bedrooms. The said group quickly moving over to the room and trying to peek in. Some of them gasping at the site as some tried to hold in their giggles and laughs at the sleeping pair.

Minho laid asleep on his back. One of his hands wrapped around Jisungs waist as said boy clung onto his side. Face nuzzled into the elder boys chest and his leg thrown over his waist.

"Oh my God...Minho never gets close to anyone." Seungmin muttered in surprise as the rest nodded in agreement.
"Aww do we have to wake them?" Jeongin asked softly causing Chan to chuckle lightly and nod.

"If we want to get into the district for the supply drop in time then yes." The leader muttered about to walk into the room t do just that when Changbin was forcing himself into the room. Moving over to Minho he landing a hard smack onto his chest right next to Jisungs head causing the man hit to groan and the boy clinging onto him to whine. Minho being the first to wake up and glare up at their shortest member.

"What the fuck." He hissed causing Changbin to just roll his eyes and motion down to the sleepy Jisung that was rubbing his eyes still not realizing what was going on.

"Shut up and get up. I'm not missing the drop because of you." The boy growled out giving another glance to Jisung. A flash of sadness being show in his eyes that only Woojin caught from where he was standing before he was leaving the room. The rest of the members looking to him confused before their gazes were back in the room hearing a small gasp.

Woojin took this chance to slip out of the room and go to check on Changbin as the rest watched as Jisung attacked Minho with a pillow after noticing their position.

"You pervert! Why are you holding me? Let go!" He huffed causing Minho to roll his eyes quickly grabbing the pillow and hitting the boy back. "Hey- oof." He whined and just pouted at the male.

"You were cling onto me... You started crying in your sleep and Ii just happened to try and get you to wake up when you rolled onto me. At least you stopped crying." He scoffed causing Jisung to instantly feel bad as his cheek flushed slightly at the information.

"AWWW How cute!!!" Hyunjin and Felix cooed hugging onto each other resulting in the pillow being thrown in their faces."Why I outta-" Felix started before Chan was grabbing onto the back of his jacket and pulling him back. "Woah there, Let's go back out and wait. 5 minutes guys and we gotta go." Chan said looking at the two on the bed. Minho waving it off as the rest left the room for them to get ready.

It took a whole minute of silence and just sitting there until Jisung was finally speaking up while pressing his fingers together nervously. "I...I'm sorry and thank you." He whispered peeking up at Minho who just gave him a small smile.

"Anytime...now we gotta go. Since we don't have clothes for you, you can borrow something of mine." He said while motioning to the drawer and getting off the bed to adjust his skin tight black t-shirt and to put the holster with his dagger and pouch back on his thigh. Jisung just watching him for a moment before crawling off the bed and going to peek into the drawer. Finding a new hoodie to slip on he just slid his own weapon back onto his belt holster. Pulling his cap onto his head before shuffling out of the room to the waiting group.

"Finally let's go-" Chan grinned and lead the group out the house and down the path. Jisung staying a bit behind the group as they walked but Minho made sure to stay by his side so he wouldn't get lost or left behind.

"So, where we are going to now is the main district. Our base is located in district 9, Astro the guys we told you about earlier that are the other runners are in District 6. " Chan spoke loud enough for their new edition to hear. "They should be heading out of the maze now so we'll greet them and then go to the supply drop site." He explained causing Jisung to just hum at the information.

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