Morning After (Chapter 7)

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December 24, 2018

Sophia's Pov:

Oh my god. Why is the sun so bright. Did Isaac open my curtains? Ugh. My head is pounding.

My eyes don't wanna open. There we go. They're open.

Hold up. This isn't my room. Where am I?


Please tell me this is Chloe snoring.

O...M...G... that's Grayson right next to me! NAKED!

Wait a second! I'm naked to! Why?!

Last thing I remember is being in an argument figuratively fighting with Grayson.

I gave Grayson a lap dance. I would of rather gave anyone, even the biggest nerd in the school, a lap dance other than Grayson.

I need to get out of this bed, put my cloths on, and scram.

It's never been this hard to get out of a bed quietly.

There. I'm out of the bed.

And there's my sports bra.

And there's my underwear.

And there's my shorts.

And there's my shoes and purse with my keys.

Where's my shirt?

I can't just go home without a shirt. My grandmas bound to be awake. Hell, I'll just take one of his shirts, and then burn it.

I start walking down the stairs, headed towards the front door. I'm almost at the door.


"Ethan. Hey."

"Why are you still here?"

"Please. Be quite."

"Sorry. Forgot that you may have had a headache. But why are you here?"

"I...uh...fell asleep on the restroom floor."

"Haha loser. Sit down. I'll get you you a hangover cure."

I felt something start bubbling up in my stomach. Oh no.

"That's sound great but *gag* imma go to the restroom first."

I started running to the restroom.
Ugh, I hate throwing up.

I walk back to the kitchen to see Ethan making the drinks and Chloe looking dead in a chair.

"Here's your hangover cure."

"Thanks so how was your guys-"

Grayson walked in, shirtless. In sweats which showed off his V-line.

"Yo. What's for breakfast?"

"Ugh. Imma be in your room Eth."

"I'll be there in a little Chloe."

Chloe dragged herself upstairs.

Ugh. I gotta get out of here.

"Umm, so I'm gonna go."

I rushed out of the house and into my car.

Why is Grayson coming out of the house? Why is he walking twoards my car? Why is he getting in my car?


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