Second meeting

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So as the months and years went on went on Bogum didn't stop hurting jimin. He would physically and mentally abuse him. Eventually jimin had started to cut his wrists slightly but not enough to leave a scar yet.

Bogum soon forced jimin to marry him by threatening to take away their son who was now 2 years old. Of course at such a young age he doesn't know what's going on around him but he always saw his mom crying. Whenever jimin would cry from a bad encounter with Bogum, jiwoon would be right there to comfort him and ask why he was crying but jimin couldn't tell his precious son what was really going on. Luckily Bogum didn't hurt ji and took good care of him. Jimin, even after all the hurt he caused, didn't want Bogum to have a bad impression of his dad.

During the years, Taehyung and jimin did stay in contact but they didn't talk often. It was mostly because Bogum was afraid of jimin telling Tae everything and him going to jail. So he limited their contact with each other and Tae blamed jimin and said he was a bad friend. They still talk occasionally, about once a moth but even then they don't talk about a lot or for long.

After another 3 years, jiwoon was 5 and was finally in kindergarten. Since Bogum often took the car and wouldn't come home for weeks on end, jimin had to take the bus everywhere. Luckily the school jiwoon went to was close so they just walked there. Over the years jimin has definitely noticed how jiwoon cling to him more than his father. He was so happy that jiwoon was going to be a mommas boy because he definitely didn't want jiwoon to follow in his fathers foot steps. After he took ji to school one day, he came home and sat down in the couch to watch some T.V Jimin turned in his favorite thing to watch which was the court cases. He really enjoyed them and his love for them hasn't changed throughout the years.

Jimin was intensely watching the trial fold out when the camera panned to a certain man in a navy blue suit. Jimin saw him and thought 'he looks really familiar'. As the trail went on and the camera kept panning over to the mysterious man. It finally hit jimin. He saw him the the T.V. when he was pregnant. He smiled finally recognizing him but then thinks 'i definitely saw him somewhere else too'.

Jimin spent the whole rest of the day trying to think about where he saw this man from but couldn't quit out his finger on it. It was now time to pick up jiwoon from school so jimin's walked in over and waited for him outside while sitting on a bench. As the students were released, Jimin looked around and saw jiwoon walking out of the school talking with another young boy  that looked his age. Jimin smiled at them and how cute they looked together. Soon jiwoon looked up to see his mom staring at him and smiling. Jiwoon waves and then grabbed the other little boys arm pulling him towards jimin. Jiwoon said ecstatically, "mom this is my new friend, Shiwoo." Jimin happily stuck his hand out while bending down to be closer to the little boy while smiling and saying, "hi it's very nice to meet you." The little boy smiled and took jimin's hand, shaking it. Jimin looked around confused and then asked, "shiwoo where are your parents?" Shiwoo also looked around then shrugged his shoulders. Since the there was a playground right next the the school jimin told the boys to play while they wait for Shiwoo's parents. After and hour the boys got tired and shiwoo's patents still hadn't shown up yet. So they all sat in the bench with jimin in the middle listening to them talk about both their days. Jimin enjoyed hearing how care free their lives were. Both of the boys got some of their school work out and showed jimin their good grades and jimin congratulated them while giving them both a kiss on the head. Shiwoo was a little taken back because he's never received this kind of skinship with his mom or dad since they were always working.

Another hour had lasted and jimin started to get very worried. He was thinking about just bringing the boy with him to his house even though Bogum would have been mad. He didn't care. He couldn't leave this boy out here by himself but just as he was to say something to the boys about leaving a black car pulled up to the school quit fast. Jimin and the boys turned their heads to see who it was and saw a very attractive man step out of the car wearing a navy blue suit in quit a hurry. He was looking around until he looked at all three of them and sighed in relief. He started walking over and then yelled, "Shiwoo, come over here." Jimin and jiwoon looked at Shiwoo who was slowly and sadly putting away his papers then standing up to leave. As he was standing up his father had reached them already. Jimin stood up to properly greet Shiwoos father. Jimin's tuck his hand out and said, " Hi my name is jimin and this is my son jiwoon." The man looked up from his son and smiled and said, "Hi I'm jungkook and this is my son. Thank you so much for staying with him. I just lost track of time while I was working." Jimin replied, "oh no don't even worry about it, we enjoyed hanging out with him. Didn't we jiwoon." Jimin said the last sentence while looking down at his son. He noticed his son and Shiwoo both had sad expressions on their faces and jimin was a bit confused. He squatted down and held his son lightly by the shoulders and asked, "Hey what's wrong baby?" Jiwoon  on the verge of tears looked up at his father and said, "I don't want Shiwoo to leave. I want to hang out with him more." Jimin saw his sons sad face then look at Shiwoo and asked, "Is that why you are sad too?" Shiwoo just nodded and jungkook stood there watching the scene play out. He honestly had no idea what to do. He wasn't to close to his son and didn't know what he could have said to make his son feel better. Jimin took both of the boys hands and said, "You boys will see each other tomorrow okay? And you can okay all day whil you're here." As soon as jimin said that the two boys faces lite up and they smiled while looking at jimin and asking in unison, "Really?" Jimin just hummed and nodded with a smile on his face. The boys cheered and jungkook stood there with his mouth hanging wide open in amazement at how jimin could change their mood that fast. Jimin's stood up from squatting and then looked at jungkook. "You better close your mouth or you're gonna catch flies." Jimin said while giggling. As soon as jungkook heard jimin giggling, he looked at him and smiled. 'His giggles were so beautiful, wait what am I thinking' jungkook thought to himself. They all eventually said their goodbyes and walked in their separate directions. Once they started to walk away jimin thought that he definitely saw that man somewhere, but where?

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