thirty-six | i'll never forgive you

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Something inside of me broke.

The room began to spin as I slowly got out of the seat, my legs starting to give out as my heart pounded so loud in my ears, the echo of Dakota's words began to cease. My hands threw to my throat as I felt my breath cutting short and I fell to my knees, struggling for air as tears burnt my eyes and I felt like the whole world was against me. My hands began to feel numb, spreading to my fingers as my chest squeezed tighter by the minute and I couldn't help but scream. Scream for someone, anyone, to pull me out of the darkness that was beginning to engulf me.

I felt a pair of strong arms pull me from the luring oblivion in the distance, the shouting and screaming of my name nearby as the pair of strong arms pulled me back to the chair. I began to feel my surroundings, noticing the comfort of the chair and the bright beige walls as if to welcome me and the worried eyes of family members.

I glanced behind my shoulder to see my father's worried eyes, patting me on the back as if an attempt to soothe me. I inhaled five long, deep breaths and the voice that belonged to my sister echoed in my ears as my attention snapped to her.

The lump in my throat became stuck and tears stung my eyes again. I clenched my jaw to stop, to tell myself that if I cried in front of her, I wouldn't have forgiven myself. A tear slipped down Dakota's cheek and questions that were lingering in the corners of my mind ceased and I reached for her as we sobbed into each other's shoulders.

God only knew the love I had for my sister.

Dakota and I cried for a good hour and reminisced on the memories we had of one another when we were younger, before we had grown apart. I had told her the story of how Ashton and I met and she had fallen asleep in the middle of it and when I had turned around, my mother had already fallen asleep on the couch and my father and grandmother were nowhere to be seen.

As I walked out of the ward, I couldn't help but pushed my back against the doors and fell. I buried my head in my hands, tugging at my hair in the frustration and when I heard heavy footsteps nearby, I instantly looked up to find my father with a coffee in his hand.

Rage filled my entire body and I clenched my fists at my side as I swiftly got back up on my feet. "How could you not tell me?"

My father sighed, running a hand over his face. "Aurora-"

"Fuck," I cursed. "Father, you knew of her condition and didn't even dare to tell me. I'm her goddamn sister!"

"Be quiet, Aurora," my father hushed, eyes serious.

Frustration got the best of me as I placed a hand on my clenching heart and I felt the need to scream and cry again. I clenched my jaw, trying to prevent the tears that was threatening my eyes as I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I'm her sister, dad. I should've known...I'm family. I would've spent more time with her instead of just...messing around. I could've been there for her. Why did you keep me in the dark, dad?"

A tear slipped down my father's cheek as he inhaled a shaky breath. "You've already been through so much...and...Dakota didn't want you to know."

"You shouldn't have listened to her!" I shouted, my blood boiling.

My father shook his head. "You don't understand. Dakota didn't want to ruin your life with her condition and she thought you hated her and..."

Regret filled my heart. "I don't care. I will never forgive you and mom for doing this to me. This is so much worse than treating me like I'm trash. I will never forgive you."

It was as if my father understood as he left me alone to drench myself in my own pool of guilt and regret. I took a seat that was attached to the wall and rested my head as I took my phone out of my pocket and realised that I had missed several calls from Ashton.

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