Lola: So I suggest we talk awhile Mr. Jeff.
Jeff: Yes indeed I wanted more friends. You see in my life I have been bullied.
Georgia: Oh that's painful!
Jeff: It's true! They burned down my face and I look like this.
You: So it's true that they do that.
Jeff: My family tried to kill me too. You see I'm not evil, I'm just a hurt individual trying to be like anybody. Do you understand me?
You: I understand you, Jeff. I believe you're not a monster.
Jeff: Yes.
Barry: Are police still chasing you?
Jeff: I believe they still do so I decided to hide anywhere. I've been deemed a villain my whole life.
You: Do you love yourself?
Jeff: Of course I do. I was born to be beautiful. I have a beautiful smile. We're all born beautiful right?
Barry: Drinks to that!