ΦΔPicnic DateΔΦ

351 8 3

°•}OC!Yautja x OC{•°


   The day was warm and clear. The sun slowly set itself to the east shining down on the earth below, giving life and warmth. Johnny smiled and took in a deep breath through his nose, releasing it out his mouth, a smile playing on his lips.

   Johnny had been walking through the forest carrying dinner for two in a hand woven basket. He was on his way to set up a date for him and his significant other. A Yautja named Na'sith, or Supreme Hunter as he liked to call himself. They hadn't been able to go on a date for awhile since Na'sith was busying 'with idiots who don't know what they're doing' as Na'sith had said one cold, cuddly evening.

   The human chuckled to himself, shaking his head at the memory as he stopped in the middle of a nice clearing surrounded by tall trees and foliage. Johnny had turned on his hearing aids when he entered the forest, wanting to hear Mother Nature's beautiful songs that she sung for him.

   Setting the basket down he unfolded the red and white checkered quilt and laid it over the soft grass, smiling to himself as he opened the large basket full of various foods. He took out some containers of cooked meat, setting it on the quilt carefully, organizing it to look decent before he unpacked fruits and his chosen Caesar salad.

   Once everything was carefully set out (Johnny decided to pour the wine in advance) he stood up and looked over himself, having chosen to wear a nice crimson turtleneck and a nice pair of dark blue skinny jeans with heeled boots. He straightened out wrinkles in his shirt and took a moment to himself to look around and enjoy the nature once more before he looked up to check the time. The sun was right at 6:00 pm. Perfect.

   He lifted his wrist to show a watch-sized device wrapped around it. A communication device. 'Only to contact my BB,' Johnny reminded himself as he tapped the top of the device causing it to whir softly before a light red hologrammed screen popped up showing Na'sith's contact information. The human male smiled at what he set the contact as. "My Big Baby..." Johnny couldn't help but laugh to himself as he tapped the the set picture a selfie of the two Johnny took when the large Yautja was sleeping).

   It rang silently for a moment before Na'sith's face showed up in the holo-chat. Johnny beaming at his lover and watched as Na'sith's mandibles moved to what he recognised was his smile. "I've been waiting for you to call." Came a fruity and gruff voice sounded from the holo-screen as the Yautja spoke in a teasing tone making Johnny smile and roll his eyes playfully.

   "I was setting something up-" Na'sith interrupted with a bellowing laugh.

   "I can see that." The human male gave a confused look before he saw that Na'sith was in a forest. Suspiciously, Johnny looked around before he turned and there he was, the fucker, smiling smugly in his own alien way. Hanging up the call, Na'sith opened his arms for a hug, fully knowing that his mate was going to run and jump into his arms.

   And Johnny did just that, running at his lover and jumping to wrap his arms around the Yautjas thick neck. The large being wrapped his meaty arms around his ooman mate and spin him around happily. Once he stopped and set Johnny on his feet the shorter kissed his mandibles lovingly, pulling Na'sith down so their foreheads sat together.

   "My soul..." The predator couldn't help by swoon and purr loudly at his mates words. He felt his heart beat faster and he was sure Johnny could feel it since one of his scarred hands is laying just there. The two love birds stood there with their eyes closed for a moment longer, enjoying the others presence before Johnny gasped lightly and pulled away earning a confused look from his pred.

   "The food." He explained simply, laughing as he backed away, intertwining their hands to pull his significant other towards the quilt. Na'sith's eyes finally moved towards the food, his heterochromatic eyes scanning over the choices as Johnny sat him down before he sat next to him in his favorite 'criss-cross applesauce' position.

   "I know you prefer meat and fruit so I wasn't sure if I should bring anything else.." He said, reaching to grab the basket, pulling out a small strawberry cake and a pumpkin pie. "I brought these just in case you wanted to try them. They're my favorites." The human explained with a shrug.

   Na'sith blinked at the desserts before he smiled at his other half, raising his hand to lovingly rub Johnny's cheek with the pad of his thumb. The action makes his human blush and smile back. He put his hand over his lover's larger one. They stare lovingly at each other for a second longer before Johnny starts laughing, pulling away and handing over a plate with meat and fruits to his lover.

   "We shouldn't waste this food I prepared for us." He said in a joking manner causing Na'sith to chuckle and purr softly. "Yes, of course. Thank you, my dearest.." Johnny felt his face get hotter as he smiled and let out a soft 'anything for you'. Na'sith purred louder and leaned in, his large hand hooking the back of his mates neck to pull their foreheads together once more. Johnny smiled and pecked Na'sith's mandibles before he poked the spot he kissed with a strawberry making his other laugh.

   The evening went on like that for hours. Laughing and soft loving moments shared between the two as they had their date. But as every lovely thing must, the day came to an end. The sun had been set and now the waning crescent moon and her stars shone brightly in the night sky.

   The two had packed the uneaten food away and were now laying side by side on the checkered quilt with their hands intertwined gently with each other. They stared up at the many stars in the sky contently, smiles on their faces. Johnny's eye caught a small red star he remembered from their first date and he pointed up towards it with his unoccupied hand.

   "Your home..." Johnny said and Na'sith's eyes followed to where he was pointing, a soft rumbling purr coming from his chest. "That is right, my love." He confirmed as the other lowered his arm back to his side. "You're so far away..." A chuckle left the Yautja making Johnny turn his head to look at him.

   "Well yes.. But I'm content here," he turned his head to stare back, ", with you." His words made Johnny tear up, sniffling as Na'sith sat up and purred loudly to comfort his mate, squeezing his human's hand as his other hand came up to wipe the tears away.

   "Why do you cry?" He said in his soft, deep voice as he stared down at his mate. Johnny sniffled once more and smiled up at the alien, enjoying the view of the moons light making a halo around his form. He raised both of his hands to cup Na'sith's face, pulling him down for a sweet kiss.

   "You're just too good for me." The human sighed and closed his eyes, Na'sith only tilting his head to the side, his mandibles twitching slightly. "I am too good for you?" He asked, blinking down at his tearful ooman. He sighed deeply and moved to nuzzle his face into the crook of Johnny's neck, scenting him and purring softly.

   "Why would I choose a mate who is not worthy of my love? You are more than anything I could ask for." Now Johnny was crying. Oh, was he crying. Before Na'sith could pull away and stare at him with a concerned look the human wrapped his arms around his alien's neck to keep him close.

   "I love you.." He whispered, smiling up at the stars. Na'sith slowly wrapped his large arms around his mate's waist and purred, turning so they were laying on their sides.

   "And I, you, my dearest... My soul." They lay there together to the earliest morning. And when they had left to go home they never strayed too far from one another, keeping their hands intertwined tightly.

   Thanks to all of you for reading this old story of mine!! I'm super happy that it's gotten this much attention!

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