Chapter 1

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                                                        Chapter 1

Warning; This story will contain graphic information in it about eating disorders, self harm,  and purging.

Emma P.O.V

I couldn't help but feel disgusted at the image of myself in the mirror. 'Your fat! You need to lose weight! Fatsvato! Disgusting! Don't you want to be skinny?" the evil voices, the demons, screamed at me.

"Stop, please, stop," I pleaded softly, as I reached for my blade. 'Demi will be so disappointed in you if you cut, so please dont do it,' the good voices begged.

Yes, my older sister is Demi Lovato, and I am Emma Lovato, her 15 year old younger sister. I sliced my wrists aggressively , until my wrists and arms were covered in blood. I hid my blade, and cleaned myself up, as I heard the door open downstairs.

"Mom, we're home!!!" Dallas shouted. 'Great, Demi and Dallas are home,' I thought sarcastically. Don't get me wrong, I love my sisters, but it is hard to hide things from them, especially Demi. 

I slipped a black hoodie on and ran down the stairs, only to be tackled to the ground by my two older sisters. "EMMA!!!" they screamed excitingly. "We missed you, baby sister!!!" Demi shouted, as she began to tickle me. I tried to defend myself, but it was pointless trying. Being up against two older sisters, who are stronger and bigger than me, does not help me one bit.

"Stop!! Please!!!" I begged, my eyes full of tears, from laughing so hard. "SAY IT!" Demi order, straddling me.  "OK, OK," I shouted. "Demi is the best and most amazing sister in the world!!!"

She immediately stopped and wrapped her arms around me tightly, as my breathing went back to normal.'God, I have missed her hugs so much,' I thought, a big smile on my face.

"I missed you, baby girl," She said. "I missed you too, Demz," I whispered back, taking in her sweet vanilla scent. Once Demi let me go, I was immediately brought into Dallas's arms. We went into the living room and watched Camp Rock, before Mom calld us in for dinner.

My stomach dropped, and I winced, when I saw what we were having; hamburgers, mashed potatoes, and steamed vegetables. There were so many calories, and I dont need them. I'm fat enough as it is anyway; I weigh 88 pounds, which is considered fat by the bullies at my school.

I sat down, and I slowly began to eat and pick at my food. I looked up to see Demi giving me a weird look. 'Eat,' She mouthed to me. I took a couple more bites of everything; only eating about 1/2 of each thing. "Can I be excused? I'm not very hungry tonight," I asked mom, ignoring Demi's glare.

"Yes, you are excused," Dianna said, nodding at me. I ran up to my bathroom quickly and locked the door. I think Demi is starting to get suspcious of me and my 'problems'. I went over to the toilet and stuck two fingers down my throat, and threw my supper back up. I continued until I was coughing up blood. 

"Emma?" I heard a soft voice ask. 'Shit!' I thought. It was Demi.

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