Thinking of Getting a Weight Loss Surgery? Read This First!

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People want to lose weight for various reasons. For some it is to look good, while others want to be fit and lead a healthy lifestyle. There are also some who have to lose weight as their excess weight has given rise to serious health problems. In most cases, weight loss can be achieved with exercises and the right diet. But then there are cases where weight loss surgery is needed. However, it is important to know that weight loss or bariatric surgery is not for everybody. You cannot go for this surgery just because you think it is the easiest way to lose weight. So, if you are planning to go under the knife to lose weight, here are some things that you need to know before you make the decision.

How does Bariatric Surgery Work?

Before you know if the surgery is for you, it is important to know about laparoscopic bariatric surgery. The surgery changes the size of your stomach and digestive system, making it possible for you to eat only small quantities of food at a time. As there is a limit to the food you can eat, it leads to weight loss. However, the success of this surgery depends on the lifestyle and dietary changes you make. If not, there is a high possibility that you would gain back the weight you lost after surgery.

Parameters for Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery

Yes, bariatric surgery is not for anyone who wishes to go for it. There are certain parameters that you have to fulfill to be eligible for this surgery.

· You need to have a BMI over 40 to be eligible for bariatric surgery. Moreover, even a person with a BMI over 35 and at least one health issue (sleep apnea, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.) related to weight gain can go for bariatric surgery.

· Age also plays an important role in this. Generally, doctors encourage only people between the ages of 18 and 60 for this surgery. However, teenagers who have attained puberty can also go for it.

· Weight loss surgery is usually the last resort to shed the extra weight. Doctors evaluate your attempts to lose weight through diet and exercise before suggesting any type of bariatric surgery including gastric bypass bariatric surgery.

Side Effects of Bariatric Surgery

Although the bariatric surgery has high success rates, there is a risk of developing side effects, just like any other surgery. While infections and blood clots are some of the common side effects, there are some that can cause due to obesity related problems like diabetes and high blood pressure. Hence, it is necessary to evaluate the potential problems with your doctor before signing up for the surgery.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2019 ⏰

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