Chapter 8 - Chūnin Exams and More - Part 3

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, but I do own this fic as well as any original techniques and the like.


===Two Days Later===

All the exam participants and standing in a large room... the ones who successfully managed to acquire both a Heaven and Earth scroll as well as make it to the tower within the allotted time. Twenty-three Genin stand in eight columns, a large majority looking towards Naruto with wariness.

"Congratulations to all of those who have passed the second stage of the exams. You have all done well in making it this far, but due to the number of successful applicants, we will have to hold a series of preliminaries; the first one, in thirteen years." Yuu announces. "We will begins said preliminaries immediately. But before we do, is there anyone who deems themselves as unfit to continue? Raise your hand and your name will be noted, then you will be free to leave."

At first, no one raises their hand, before one slowly makes its way into the air. "I'm out proctor." Kabuto says.

Sakura turns to face Kabuto. "But why quit? After all that you did to help us?"

Kabuto looks at the pinkette. "To be honest, I'm exhausted. Five days in that forest and always on alert. Not to mention the fight we had to deal with last night... my chakra is running on fumes. Not to mention, they're throwing us into more battles... I just can't do it. Not when given no time to recover, at least."

Yuu looks at Kabuto, then to a clipboard. He notes the name and marks it, before looking back up. "Kabuto Yakushi... you're free to go. Anyone else?" When no one else raises their hands, he continues. "Then we will begin the process of randomly matching the opponents. If you would all turn your attention to the screen on the back wall." He then motions to said wall as a panel slides away, revealing a large screen. Names begin rapidly scrolling until they stop; "Sasuke Uchiha and Yoroi Akadō, you two are up first. Can everyone else please move up the balconies, while the two selected remain on the floor?"

All the Genin, minus the selected, move up off of the arena floor. Once done, the two fighters face eachother. "Are there any objections to your current opponent?" Yuu asks, receiving two confirmations of no issues. "Hajime! (Begin!)" He says, before jumping back.

(A/N: I'm not going to bother writing all of the fights, just the ones that I have changed up. If they're canon, I'll end them quickly. I may not have shown the Orochimaru vs. team seven fight, but it did happen, and Sasuke did still receive the Curse Mark, but he won't be as focused on revenge as in canon.)

This fight happens the same as it did in canon. Yoroi siphons Sasuke's chakra as they trade blows, the Curse Mark appears and gets forced back, and Sasuke defeats Yoroi using the Shishi Rendan (Lion's Barrage). Sasuke is declared the winner, before Kakashi shunshins to the Uchiha, whispers to him about the Curse Mark, before they both shunshin from the arena.

The second fight is Neji against Hinata, with Neji wiping the floor with the main branch heiress, knocking her unconscious instead of trying to kill her.

The third fight is Kankurō against Misumi Tsurugi, the other member of Kabuto's team. Kankurō wins by Misumi's forfeit when he gets captured by Karasu (Crow).

The fourth fight is Sakura against Ino, which ends in a double-knockout.

The fifth fight is Kiba against Obito. The two Genin make their way down to the arena floor. Kiba places Akamaru on the ground, readying himself, as does Obito. "You're at a disadvantage with only one eye kid. You should forfeit." Kiba says.

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