Chapter four

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Forgot to mention that the new last name is kira my bad

Y/n pov

I woke up to a orange haired girl yelling so I got and checked on stray cat after I went to get food before initiation as went back to my locker I saw the guy who threw up walking around saying something about his locker

???: hey there

A girl with blonde hair and a girl with black hair red tips approach me I turn around and close my locker before they see stray cat

Yang: my name is yang and this is my sister ruby

Y/n: hello there my name is y/n is there something you needed?

Ruby: I wanted to know what type of weapon you use

Y/n: I don't use a weapon

Yang: then how are you supposed to fight then?

Y/n: I guess you will have to wait and see

I turn and walk away

3rd pov

As y/n was walking away ruby and yang were about to before they did heard something sound like a hiss coming from his locker before they can try to see what was making the noise jaune was seen flying by with a spear

Y/n pov

I reached the cliff side and saw ozpin and professor goodwitch standing there so I walk over to them

Ozpin: good morning Mr Kira

Y/n: good morning to you too

After that I waited for everyone so ozpin can start

Time skip brought by super fly

After we got launched I look for a way for me to land safely when I got close to a tree

Y/n: killer queen

When killer queen grabs the branch stopping me from falling even more I look up and see that people falling through the sky as I was looking up a beowolf tried to attack me but killer queen grabbed it by its neck and detonated it I start walking to where I think the ruins are

Time skip brought by one lazy author

On the way to the ruins I thought I saw the forest on fire then I see the ruins I walk to it and see yang and a girl with black hair I swear I seen her before but where I couldn't hear what they were saying and then I hear a girl? scream in the distance

I then see ruby fall from the sky and the the blonde haired boy flys into her and then a girl with orange hair comes in riding ursa and a black haired boy with a pink stripe follows after a girl with red hair runs from the trees with a deathstalker I believe I read something about her before or something .... I need to pay more attention to what's happening in the world (za warudo) then yang freaks out saying something everyone chilling before something crazy happens I then see them looking up so I also and see a girl with white hair

White haired girl: how could you leave me

Ruby: I said jump

Then she fell I saw the blonde boy jump trying to catch to just fall himself and the girl lands on his back did I just crunch will he be okay?

White haired girl: my hero

Blonde boy: my back

The red haired gets knocked over to us and the. Ruby charges the deathstalker to one get caught by the nevermore I was about run in when the deathstalker was going to stab her but the white haired girl freezes the stinger while saying ruby is childish

Ruby: weiss?

Oh that's her name okay than and then they have a conversation umm I don't think it's the best time to do that but they do them I guess ... another beowolf tries to jump at me again so killer queen takes care of it why do they keep coming for me the others kinda looked startled by the beowolf detonating oh yeah I forgot they can't see him then everyone starts running back to the cliff we get separated ruby yang weiss and the black haired girl still can't figure out where I saw her fight the nevermore while the others fight the deathstalker and surprise surprise a pack of beowolfs for me why do they hate me so I lead them away from the others and launch sheer heart attack at them and run at them killer queen punching them and me detonating them after I'm done I see the others finishing off their grimm

Time skip brought by

After ozpin announced the teams I now know who the black haired girl who would have known my sister would be here what she did in past is the past but if she gets in the way of my life I will make here disappear

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After ozpin announced the teams I now know who the black haired girl who would have known my sister would be here what she did in past is the past but if she gets in the way of my life I will make here disappear

As I was walking to my dorm blake got in my way

Blake: is that you y/n

Y/n: what gave it away was it the name the eyes or the ears

She then tried to get near me to hug me but I moved away from her

Y/n: is may have moved on what you and your family did to me but if you try to ruin the life I made for myself *killer queen appears and grabs her by the neck lifting her up* I will kill you

Blake: please I just want my brother back

Y/n:  and ruin my life again please that will happen when there is a vampire that can stop time


Y/n: nothing you have been warned

I walk away and killer queen releases her

3rd pov

As y/n walked outside he hears something above him and looks up

Y/n: what the

Dio: road roller da

That's it for now hoped you enjoyed

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That's it for now hoped you enjoyed

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