
427 13 2

Requested by - sarbear12072004
Type- sad
Warnings - bullying


  Jonah watched as his crush walked down the halls in his white skirt that goes down to his thighs, his smooth legs and a pink baggy sweater that gave him sweater paws.

    Corbyn had a pink and white flower crown perched on his bleached blond hair. Jonah thought that Corbyn was gorgeous. Corbyn was the most adorable kid in the school.

     Nobody but Jonah, Daniel and Jonah's family knew about Jonah being gay. He's of course  the 'popular, hot jock' of the school. Everybody looked up to him, They either wanted to be him or wanted him.

    Corbyns openly gay and his best friend Jack Avery and his little step brother Zach support him all the way. Corbyns mom died from cancer and Zachs dad died in a plane crash but Corbyns 18 and able to stay at the house.

    Corbyns little brother Zach is 17 but really innocent. Hardly knows anything about serious things. Jonah watched and gasped as someone very harshly pushed Corbyn against the metal blue lockers, so hard his head bounced off.

    The group around Brady Matthews laughed as Corbyn fell to the ground his flower crown fell and was stomped on by Hadly Yarr. Brady roughly gripped onto Corbyns chin and lifted his head up.

    "You're a disgrace to the world stealing clothes from your little sister and sucking every guy you see's dick" He spat in Corbyns face and looked down to see a silver heart on a chain.

   "Oh would you look at that the little fag even has a gay little necklace" Brady says. Corbyns weak arms flew up to hold it.

    "Please- d-dont" He whimpered. The necklace is very special to him. He doesnt want anything to happen to it.

    "Oh boo hoo" Brady 'whined' Jonah didnt know what to do. He was frozen watching the scene unfold wanting to get up and help the poor boy. But it was like he was stuck and couldnt get up.

     Corbyns hands were ripped from the necklace and he was pulled up by two of Bradys minions and held against the metal.

    Brady broke the chain off Corbyns neck and tears were falling. He was scared of what was going to happen to the necklace.

    "Brady please dont" Corbyn begged.

   "Why fag? what'll happen if I do?" Brady asked grinning from ear to ear. "Oops" Brady laughed as he dropped the silver heart necklace. Corbyns eyes followed the chain and watched it lay on the polished floor.

   "Brady please dont it means the world to me please" Corbyn cried. Slowly breaking.

   Brady smirked and lifted his foot above the necklace. Corbyn watched with eyes full of fear.

    "What would you do to make me not step on this necklace right now?" Brady asked smirking while looking into Corbyns teary blue eyes.

     "I- I'll change. I wont wear these types of clothes I-Ill be normal I'll get a g-g-girlfriend please dont stomp on the necklace" Corbyn whimpered.

    Everyone around him gasped, they loved Corbyn the way he was. They looked up to him, and to hear that come out of his mouth upset people. They know what he's going through.

    Thats when Jonah snapped. He stood up and walked over to the group and pushed past people and when he finally got to the middle it was too late.

    "You thought I would actually give it back in one piece. You're so fucking pathetic Faggot" And with that sentence Brady stomped on the necklace and shattered it.

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