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“You’ve got a bit of flour on your face…”

“Where?” Taehyung asked turning to reveal that the entire side of his face was covered in flour.

Jungkook let out a single loud laugh, “how’d you even manage to do that?”

“Do what?” Taehyung tilted his head in confusion.

“Nothing,” Jungkook laughed and grabbed a towel from the Near by  counter and gently wiped the flour from Taehyung's cheek.  His hand lingered for a moment before placing the towel back on the countertop.

“Oh so there was nothing and you just wanted to sensually stroke my cheek then?” Taehyung questioned.

“Of course,” Jungkook teased.

Taehyung laughed melodically, “Just so you know,” he smiled, “I have very high hopes for this cake”.

“Hey! Don’t put too much pressure on me!”

Taehyung stepped beside Jungkook and wrapped his arm around his hip , lightly squeezing .  “I have high hopes because I know it’ll be great” he grinned.

“Well, It has to be great, otherwise I would’ve dropped out of university for nothing,” Jungkook laughed.

“You dropped out of uni?” Taehyung asked moving his hand down to Jungkook's slim waist so he could face him .

“Yeah, after a semester I decided that it wasn’t for me.  So, I used the money I saved for tuition to buy this place, best decision I ever made,” Jungkook  said with a small smile.

"That's amazing kookie" taehyung smiled, “this place is amazing.  And, uh, you’re kind of amazing too”.

jungkook suddenly became very aware of how it felt to have Taehyung's  hand on his waist.  A blush began to colour his face, but luckily the oven timer went off and Jungkook rushed to check the cake.

“Is it done?” Taehyung asked.

“Yeah,” Jungkook muttered as he carefully pulled the cake out of the oven, “but we have to wait for it to cool before I can cover it”.

“Good thing we have plenty of time then,” Taehyung gave a closed mouth smile and his eyes scrunched up.  Jungkook couldn’t help but marvel at how effortlessly the latter could look absolutely adorable.

“You want me to put some coffee on too?”

Jungkook smiled down at his work.  He had written        “Happy Birthday Taehyung ” on top of cake.  He used a deep purple icing for the message and added some chocolate sprinkle's around it on the sides of the cake as well.  Not the fanciest cake, but was really special was the boy it was going to.

“kook, I’ve been waiting forever.  Are you done yet?” Taehyung called into the kitchen.

“Just about, be patient babe!” Jungkook called back and gasped quietly in embarrassment as he realized that he had just called Taehyung “babe”.

“Fine!” Taehyung muttered back, not realising what Jungkook just called him.

Jungkook sighed in relief. Good thing taehyung didn't noticed otherwise he was ready to hide himself  under the tables.

Taehyung was sitting in one of the tables like jungkook said. he wrapped himself in a blankets Drumming his fingers against the coffee mug he suddenly froze, eyes widening and a small smile curved his corner of the  lips.

"babe huh, baby..."

Jungkook put away his supplies and carefully placed cake on a tray.  He lifted it gently with both hands and used his shoulder to push the kitchen door open.  A grin crossed his face as he saw Taehyung sitting at a table wrapped up like a burrito in a blanket with a steaming mug  in front of him. He looked cute.

“Here you go,” Jungkook smiled and Taehyung perked up.  It was getting late, and both Taehyung and Jungkook were tired, but neither was willing to call the day off.

Jungkook placed the cake in front of Taehyung and went behind the counter to grab a candles and two forks.

“Kookie, this is amazing,” Taehyung smiled at him.

“It’s nothing fancy,” Jungkook shrugged and sat down in the chair next to Taehyung and started putting candles on the cake.

“Seriously, this is so nice of you,” Taehyung leaned over slowly and kissed Jungkook's cheek.

Jungkook froze.


Persona trailer released today.

It's bop dude..

RM my man slayed it.

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