Sonic Fanfiction: The Leaked Story

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Chapter 1

Our story begins on a somewhat sunny day. Sonic is walking to the Marketplace to buy dinner. Walking beside him is his best friend, Miles (A.K.A Tails), looks at him and smiles. Sonic smiles back at him, but a softer, more smug one. "Well, we're at the marketplace, Tails." Sonic sighed.

"I'm gonna go buy us some Chili-Dogs. You wanna come with?"

Tails stared at him a moment, hesitant to answer. "I.. can't. I'm sorry, Sonic." he answered, seeming sad that he had to decline. Sonic sighed. It had been over a year since he had met Tails and yet he still hadn't managed to get used to being around people. Sonic had found him alone, starving in a forest. There was a small village not too far away from where he found him so, suffice to say, he probably isolated himself on purpose. But no matter how hard he tried, Sonic couldn't get Tails to tell him why. "Okay. I'll see ya in a minute." Sonic called, disappointed to say the least. "I'll wait right here for you!" Tails . Sonic smirked. He knew that when Tails said, 'I'll wait right here,' that he actually wouldn't move from that spot. Tails is very determined not to let Sonic down. After all, he is his hero. His brother. His everything. Nothing means more to him than helping Sonic.

When he entered the marketplace his first stop was to see Jerry, the hog-dog guy. Jerry was a black bird. He treated everyone with respect and was good friends with Sonic. When he couldn't pay his bill, Jerry paid for it out of his own pocket.

"Hey! What's up Big Blue?" said Jerry enthusiastically. "Not much, Jerry," Sonic said with a sigh.

"What's the matter, Blue? You don't seem like yourself."

"Nothing, Jerry. It's just Tails. I've known him for a whole year now and yet he still won't go out in public."

"Blue, by the sounds of things, that kid'll follow you to the pits of hell," said Jerry.

"Take him to the Marketplace with you tomorrow. He'll calm down in no time."

Sonic paused a moment. He didn't want to overwhelm Tails, but a year is a while. He was gonna have to give him that little push if anything was going to change.

"Sure. I'll do that. I just gotta make one more stop."

Meanwhile, Tails was hiding outside in a bush. He didn't want anyone to see him. Through the leaves, he sees a strange figure. He tries to move away but the figure grabs him by the arm!

"Hey," said Sonic with Tails dangling from his arm. He put Tails down. "Why'd ya have to scare me like that!?" Tails shouted.

"Sorry, I was just havin' fun with you. Here, I brought you a gift."

Sonic produced a box of candy from his backpack and handed it to Tails, making his face turn red.

"Really? Just for me?"

"Yeah! Enjoy it!"

Tails stared at the box. "Sonic, stop spoiling me." he said, face still red.

"C'mon, I know you love candy. Let me spoil you. Just once." Tails opened the box. He ate one candy and began scarfing them down. He had eaten about a quarter of the candy before he stopped to breathe. "Please take this from me before I eat too many." he said to Sonic. He took the box and put it away.

"Here's your chili-dog." Sonic said, handing it to Tails.

"No thanks, I'm not hungry anymore."

Sonic paused. "Okay. More for me then." he chuckled. He looked up at the sky. It was beginning to get dark. "Hey, Tails. Wanna help me start a fire?" Sonic asked. "Sure! I'll go find kindling," Tails piped. He ran out into the forest.


I wrote this one, pretty sure its the best part of this story

"Sonic-Senpai! What are you doing?" Amy gasp with her luscious breath.

"What I must." Sonic pushed Amy against the wall. "I'm so alone, Knuckles was so mean and rude. He punched my computer. Comfort me." TO BE CONTINUED. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2019 ⏰

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