Chapter 31: Last Chance

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"The things I said, I can't believe it, But I swear to God, I didn't mean it

But it takes a lot from me, to admit I'm wrong, But I'll do whatever to save my home,

Cause I keep going back, back, and forth, In and out, out the door

Don't want to fuss and fight no more, Don't give a damn about the score,

Cause I, I'm a different kind of man

I'm the kind that understands, what I got inside my hands

So, If this is my last chance to love you
I'm going to play it like a grown man ought to

If I only got one shot to win you, Then call me Jordan, 4th quarter in '92."


Dave East 😤

"Kairi come to daddy & get away from the edge of that pool baby!" I told her due to being scared that her clumsy ass would fall in and hit her head on the bricks

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"Kairi come to daddy & get away from the edge of that pool baby!" I told her due to being scared that her clumsy ass would fall in and hit her head on the bricks.

"I coming daddy." She said sweetly as she jumped off the side of the pool and into my arms giving me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Let's go get your brother." I told her as I kissed her on her cheek and carried her out of the pool so that she could get her towel put around her. Today was the day that Kace turned 1 years old and I couldn't believe that a whole year had flown by already since Kaleehalani had him, but I was so happy that he was happy and healthy like he deserved to be.

"Get out of this kitchen boy! I'm working." My mom swatted me away as I took Kace from her and looked over her shoulder at the pasta salad that she was mixing together. If it was one thing my mother knew how to do, it was how to cook and I was ready to eat. Fuck the party.

 Fuck the party

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Souled Out of Love (𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑑)Where stories live. Discover now