Call me if you need me

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Francis moved silently up behind Arthur, and took the hand of the silent man. Arthur stopped, and turned to face Francis. But he looked at the ground, his expression fallen.

"Angleterre?" he asked.

Arthur forced a soft chuckle to hide the fear clawing at his chest.

"What's with you being all touchy-feely today?" Arthur replied, but the normally light hearted question sounded empty. And he made no effort to make Francis let go. So Francis clutched the Brit's hand.

"I just thought that you looked like you needed it." Francis said in a soft voice. Arthur continued to face the ground, but when Francis loosened his hand, Arthur gripped it.

Ludwig stopped tidying the cloakroom and made himself very scarce.

Arthur still had his head facing the floor, but he held onto Francis's hand, and whispered,

"Ha, y-yeah." Francis squeezed Arthur's hand a little. "Stupid frog."

"Angleterre, what do you really think Oliver is going to do?"

Tread lightly.

Arthur let go of Francis's hand and looked up at him. His face was expressionless, his eyes empty. But then it was calmer as he saw the meaning in Francis's eyes, and softened slightly.

"Oliver, is a man who does no good, but he is not cruel. Whatever he does, it will never have the intention to harm me."

Francis gave a small sigh. Arthur frowned and shoved his arm.

"Don't worry about it you stupid git, frog face!"

Francis smirked and then pouted teasingly, replying, "Oh but you know I will, mon petit lapin!"

Arthur frowned deeper in annoyance, and swiftly punched Francis.

"Shut up Frog!"

They both snickered at the silly rivalry. Afterwards, Francis looked up, and his blue eyes locked with the beautiful green ones opposite. Then Francis broke, flitting his eyes downwards and fiddling with the scarf around his neck.

"Well," he said, unwinding the scarf,  ", have this as something to remember me as, and so a reminder to be calm and, magnifique." Arthur stood stock still in confusion as Francis wrapped the scarf around his own neck, and the spent some time arranging it.

"W-wait!" Arthur sputtered, ", I dont want some stupid token of you, you, are you sure?"

"Certainly, mon ami!"

Francis stepped back and admired his work, nodding before turning his collar up to his own, now bare neck, and then turned to the door. He opened the dark oaken front door and peeked out into the dark evening, but looked back softly to Arthur; who still stood silently in the same place.

"Be careful, Arthur." he said, before smiling softly, pushing his blond hair out of his eyes, and leaving, shutting the door behind him. But not before adding, a little quieter, ", it might do something about your poor fashion sense, anyway."

Arthur stood still, the breath didn't seem to come to his lungs. "H-hey, I don't have a poor fashion sense, you just have poor taste, g-git.", he said finally, much too late and much to quiet.

He stayed in the same spot, staring into space at the shut door, his fingers twisting in the scarf still around his neck. The scarf was of green and blue hues, soft and light, silken to the touch. Arthur stood and ran his fingers over the smooth fabric for about ten minutes, before noticing that Ludwig stood against the doorframe to the living room.

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