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After a day full of fussing from almost all the pasta's, excluding Jane, you decided it were best to retire for the night. So, here you lie in a cotton soft bed, a thick blanket underneath your body. Slenderman had given each one of the residents in the mansion thicker blankets and sheets as harsher winter creeped upon us. You could hear the wind pounding against your window, crashing and swirling in a huge bustling storm. You already predicted a snow storm soon, maybe within the next few weeks or days. But, alas, you could care less. Instead, you favored the snow, the cold weather, the children running about and building snowmen, playing games, laughing. You enjoyed watching them smile mostly, remembering the times you forgot how to.

You rolled over boredly, picking at your fingernails. You sat up and paced back and forth before checking the time. You groaned as your eyes scanned the red blinking numbers reading 4:22. You pressed your hands to your closed orbs and rubbed harshly, growling. With a loud huff you shuffled out the bedroom and made your way through the maze of hallways to the living room, where you turned on BEN's play-station 3 and began playing random games he had. 4:22 turned to 5:40 and you got bored again. Even when you were a child you often had a hard time falling asleep, staying asleep, or you got lazy and stopped trying to do so and find something else to do for the rest of the night.

A sudden creak filled the empty room. Imminently you turned off the TV and dove for the kitchen, grabbing a stake knife and steadily walking out the room full of food and snacks. Loud breathing came from a hallway, breathing that you were sure wasn't another pasta. Still, semi-loud, you called out, "Jack?" He'd been famous among you to wake up in the middle of the night on a candy hunt when he ran out of sweet treats. You got no response and your grip on the knife tightened. "BEN? Jeff?" A low growl was heard. You furrowed your brows in confusion. "Smile?" You peeked cautiously around the corner and jerked back to position when you saw a mass of grey and blue. At first you thought it was E.J. but then ruled it off when you noticed a fluffy tail.

"Hello..?" You went back around the corner and stalked up to the small pile of fur slowly. Soon enough you realized it wasn't a creepypasta, it was a fox. 'Why is there a fox in...the mansion?' You thought, flipping the knife around and crouching down to poke the tiny creature. Quickly the fox's head flipped up and stared at you, wide, abnormally wide moon eyes sparkled in the light from the cracked opened window that let in cold air. You held the fox's eyes for a long while, neither of you moving an inch.

You took in the features of the pup. It was grey with a white underbelly. Strangely, its paw toes were tipped in a baby blue color, as was two long triangles that rested pointed upward above its eyes. The tip of the long, matted down tail was the same baby blue as its toes. In short, the fox was glorious. The stake knife slipped from your fingers, clanging on the floor. The fox flinched, curling inward. "Oh. No, no, no," You cooed softly, "It's okay." You reached out your fingers, stretching them as far as they would go. Slowly, oh so slowly, the fox pressed its nose to your fingertips and purred softly. The small, cold, wet nose and the large innocent moonlight eyes won you over.

Quickly and swiftly you picked up the pup and gently rocked it when it yelped in fear. "Shh, shh...It's all okay..." You swayed slowly as you walked down the hall to your bedroom. As soon as the chance came the fox hopped out your arms and sniffed the carpet, walking around and standing on two paws to look at something. You felt like you should laugh, or giggle at the actions the fox made, but you didn't. Instead, you picked it up and checked the underside before placing him back down. You felt you didn't need the permission of Slenderman to keep a fox as long as you cared for it properly. Besides, Slender let Jeff have Smile dog, why couldn't you have a lovely fox pup?

You sat yourself down on the bed, watching the fox explore some more before he decided it were best to hop on the bed beside you and lay his head on your leg. At that moment a name popped to your head.

"Crater," You muttered softly and curled yourself around the pup, who whined and cuddled closer to you.


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Their Puppet [Creepypasta X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now