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Jungkook POV

"So sisters, this bitch came up to me and told me she liked me. So I was all like, "Well bitch, I have a boyfriend so like, go fuck yourself.", but nicer," I tell Yoongi and Jin as we eat together.

"Jungkook tell that bitch!" Jin yelled.

"Jungkook, when are you going to tell us who your boyfriend is?" Yoongi asked. "What if he has a hella cute friend that I can date?"

"Omg Yoongi! His friends are all in Korea last time I checked," I replied.

"Darn, there go my chances."

"I know right! What if his friend were hot?" Jin covered his face with his hands and sighed.

"Whatever, we're to good for them," Jin continued as he picked up his dish and set it in the sink.

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