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Hi I'm texting you because I'm  bored and i have nothing better to do with my life, unless your 69, then i might as well go to prison for your murder.

Random Number
Um hi. Don't worry, I'm not 69, idk what would happen if i was 😊

Oh thank god.  I do have to ask, have you watched the umbrella academy?

Random Number
Yeah, multiple times. Who's your favorite?

I would have to say number five
Badass but sweet
Like me

Random Number
Yeah okay
Mine is probably Ben
Because he is more like me, y'know

And to think i thought you were cool
But Klaus is my favorite humor guy, we have to same kind of humor, dark, but most of the time hilarious.

Random Number
Lets talk about our life problems while were at it

Okay well, my dad hates me, my mom, well I'm not her favorite person in the world, even though I'm her only child. And my aunt passed away a month ago. The only person I can trust in my life.
Oh and i have no friends

Random Number
I'll be your friend :)

Milaina changed 'Random Number's name to 'Random Friend'

Well i gotta scoot

Random Friend

sᴛᴀʟᴋᴇʀ ° Aidan GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now