Chapter two john goes go to the place where he met gail

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John goes to the place where he met Gail

Good morning it's John it's Tuesday morning  and me and Gail got blessed for being husband and wife for 38 year and it's been a bless to have a blessed wife like Gail she can be mean sometime

"I sure can be !," not helping Gail it's like the best thing ever I love my wife Gail has you can tell John you don't have to say

I love my wife Gail we have been married for 38 year but their are some new subscribers out there oh that true we love our Poland viewer especially one particular fan

Her name is Amelia and she email us like a few weeks ago

Hello John and Gail sayer my name is Amelia janiak from Poland in recently in Los Angeles for exchange student

I would love to meet you one day I really enjoy your video it made me want to one and I did check out the link in the bottom of the email

Thank gail and John sayer
I love you guys so much

bardzo Cię kocham

I think that was the best thing ever we have  our Poland shoutout to our Poland viewer a big shoutout to Amelia janiak

We are gonna meet her when we go back to New York in a week so Amelia if your seeing this hi it's gail and John sayers !!!

We can wait to finally meet you so we just heard that we have an exchange student coming to our house for two straight year and she is from Italy

So John after breakfast, is gonna go get her I'm so excited to have her go to school with gabby and Matthew and Ashley when we go back to New York

I think her name is Stella , we will find out

John cam

Hey it's John I'm on my way to pick up our special guest for the whole two year  And her name is actually is Stella like gail said

My wife is so excited to be with how did god put us together? I alway tell my self that how did god put me and Gail together it was not to long ago we got blessed by the church and now we got bless in the church again

We got to spend with the people that we love and care about like our big kids Ashley who 15 years old , Matthew who 14 year old , and gabby who 16 year old it's been a blessed to have them in our family as well

Especially our son Matthew he's such a joy we have another visit to come and visit us while we are here in Washington

It's one of Gail close-friend from south of Washington her name is Ramona from Dallas Texas we met her at a wedding that Gail and I attend like 20 year ago and Gail and her have stood friend all this time

And so I'm gonna go pick her up later on in the week maybe Thursday she'll come and see Gail I was talking with her husband tony yesterday and he said that Ramona is in and out of the hospital

She not doing to well the doctor to tony that Ramona will died soon if she doesn't start taking her pill she has a heart attack once

Well we are here at the airport I'm super excited that our visit Stella is coming from Italy I don't know if Gail told you but I will we have been traveling before we had the kid and one of the places we went To is Italy and we loved it there

We have exciting new for our Poland viewer Gail and I made a Poland page on Insta that can get the Poland viewer to get involved in what Gail and I are doing

There our visiter now

Hi you must be John sayer right hi my name  Stella Bruno are you John sayer from sayer family yes how did you know ? Your wife talk about you all the time when I'm watching it in my room

Guys did you just hear that we have an Italian fan also I made a fan page as well  go check it out it's amazing I think you Guy comment on one of the editing that I did , Gail If you can see this right now our host daughter made an editing of us wow you are so creative Stella aww thanks John

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