As long as your mine

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Cheelai awoke with a start, at first she didn’t know what it was that had awaken her. Then she heard whimpering. She sat up and looked around. She looked to her left and saw lemo  hugging a pillow will facing the wall.

“Yes.. Lord Freeza I would love to...” snore “...became the supreme commander of the force.”  He mumbled in his sleep. Cheelai smiled then pulled the covers up and over her comrade.

“Sleep well, my friend.” She said getting up from the couch. She and Lemo had supposedly fell asleep while watching a movie or that's what Goku called it. It had been a month since the Saiyan had stopped by and dropped them off. He had dropped off a lot of other things as well, books, food and water, but most of all the TV set.

It had taken them a few hours to set it up, heck it got to the point were Goku had to go get another friend of his, Bull-ma at least she thought that was her name. After they got it set up every night they would turn it on and either listen to a few CDs of watch a movie together. Cheelai wondered if this was what families did back on Earth, and if they did how did Goku know about that.

She was broken out of her thoughts when she heard the whimpering again. She gently stood up careful not to wake Lemo. She walked forward to where she thought the whimpering was, as she got closer she saw the bed had someone in it.

That someone had the covers pulled up to his neck and he was crying in his sleep. “ st..stop it.” The man whimpered. He curled in on himself as he started to scream. “Stop it, please father. Stop it.”  

Cheelai walked to his side. She was hesitant it touch him. She had seen Broly when he was mad, and he was never more grumpy then when he first woke up. She looked over him again as he contined to wimper. She had never heard him cry before, it was then she knew that  this was angry crying. This Broly she saw now was dreaming of the time back when he was a child.

“Dam his father, why hurt your own son like that.” She cursed quietly. Then she gently place a hand on the boy's shoulder. “Hey...Hey Broly wake up. ”

Broly’s eyes opened with a start, and he jumped as he came awake. He looked around there was no blood, or screams no father too take away his friends, or control him anymore. There was only him and Cheelai.

“Ch...Cheelai?” He said in a weak voice, not realizing that his eyes and cheeks were still wet for crying in his sleep.

“You ok?” Cheelai asked.

“What do you mean?” Broly asked sitting up.

“You were crying in your sleep.” She said flatly. She sat on the edge of the bed as she said this her hands in the pockets of her robe. Broly sat back and looked at her.

“I’m sorry if I woke you.” He apologize, as he wiped the wetness from the his cheeks.  

“It’s ok… Do you wanna talk about it?” Cheelia said not moving.

Broly jumped back, the last time he confided in someone his father cut off their ear and he lost them. But his father was gone-  Freeza had killed him right in front of me. He knew that no harm would come them, or him. His hand when to his throat, the shock collar was gone.

Cheelai read his body language and put two and two together.

“Was it about your dad? Its ok, you can tell me.” She placed a gentle hand on his leg.

Broly looked at her, he had never noticed until now how comerting her smile really was until that night. He felt something run down his spine and his cheeks heat up. He hide his face with his hand. “It… It's nothing i’m… I’m use to them. “ He said in a quiet voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2019 ⏰

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