Chapter 17

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-Roger's P.O.V-
I walk outside the studio to a quiet house. It's usually a bit loud at this time of the day with Jude running around. "Y/n?" I call out her name looking through the house but no reply was heard. Sighing I begin to dial John's number. "Is Y/n and Jude with you guys?" I ask not even bothered to say Hi first. "Hello to you too Roger. No, they are not here. In fact, we just took off in the van for the vacation. I could check the back to see if I can find them." John says clearly not making me feel any good. "Not funny Deacy." I say hanging up as I hear a sorry followed by a laugh. Groaning I dial Brian's number. "Is Y/n and Jude there?" I ask. "No. What happened? Wait. What did you do?" He asks. "I didn't do anything." I say. I received silence on the other line. Brian clearly not accepting my answer. "I hung up the phone while she was talking to Freddie. We have been arguing about it for a few days now." I say leaving a sigh. "You know how good friends they are Rog. You can't just do that if you aren't even going to tell her what happened." Brian says. I groan at him as he was right indeed.

I bite my lip knowing only one place they could be at. Freddie's house. Or maybe Mary's but I don't know her number. I frown with that as I grab my keys to drive to Freddie's. A part of me was telling me she is fine. That Freddie will always look after them. He is the godfather of Jude but I also felt angry at him remembering the meeting we last had.

With two knocks Paul opened the door. I look at him with annoyance. "Yes your wife is here." He says. Scoffing at him I walk myself inside walking towards the living room.

Y/n sat with Mary engulfed in a deep conversation. She had a bright smile on her face bringing up a small smile on my face. Jude and Freddie was talking as he refilled her tea cup. The whole situation somehow brought a smile on my face.

"I bet he is doing a better solo career than you." I hear Paul say. "Piss off would you." I say a bit louder.

-Y/n's P.O.V-
Mary and I talked about pregnancy changes as she was expecting as well. Freddie and Jude had their own little conversation.

I hear a familiar voice as I shot my head up to see Roger cursing at Paul. His hand in a fist ready to punch him anytime. "Ro- Roger?" I stutter saying his name catching the attention of Freddie and the others. "Da da! Come join!" Jude says. "It's getting late now love. Let's go home." He says walking towards Jude. "It's more fun here." Jude says as Freddie smiled with her remark. "Alright. Y/n, can we talk?" He asks looking towards me. I look back at him feeling scared and not having the energy to argue with him. "Wanna go and see the sunset Jude?" Mary asks helping Jude up and taking her out of the room. "Yeah. Sure." I say. Freddie takes the cup from my hand placing it on the table.

"Why are you here?" Roger asks as we stand in the hallway. His hands going up and down his hair and his face. Frustrated. "Roger, I told you. I'm not gonna stop seeing my friend cause of something that happened between you and him. Nothing happened between me and him. I'm here cause you won't tell me what's going on." I say. "You could have gone with one of the others." He says. I stand quietly holding my big belly as I begin to feel weird. "I told you not to do something because of a reason." He says. "It was a stupid reason." I say biting my lip in the end knowing how mad that would make Roger. Indeed it did. "You might as well stay here then." He says as calm as he could before storming out.

I burst into tears. "Y/n." Freddie says walking towards me giving me a hug. "He will calm down soon." He says. "Um, Freddie." I say as I begin to feel getting pains. "Yes darling? What's happening?" He asks examining my expression. "Do you want to go to the doctor?" He asks when I didn't reply. I nod my head.

Mary walked around the hospital corridors with Jude. She was bored and sleepy. Freddie tried to phone Roger as I sat waiting for a doctor to come. "Call Brian." I say. Freddie looks at me with an are you sure look. "He will understand Freddie." I assure him. He nods his head. "Hi Brian. This is Freddie. Y/n's at the hospital with pains and Roger is not picking up." He says in one breath. I look at him with a raised eyebrow as he just shrugs. "He said he will go look for Roger." Freddie says hanging up.

"When are you due?" Freddie asks sitting next to me as I impatiently look from left to right trying to spot a doctor. "I still got a few weeks ahead." I say. He nods his head. "Mrs.Taylor, I am so sorry keeping you waiting." The doctor says as she helped me into the room.

"False labour." I say with a frown as Mary and Freddie left out a soft laugh. Jude was asleep on Freddie's shoulder. "I should get home." I say not sure of my statement. "You are welcome to stay at my place for the night." Freddie suggests but turning down his offer, I got dropped home by one of Freddie's assistants. Mary took Jude with her for the night. All unsure of what mood Roger could be in.

Unlocking the door to the house I spot Roger sitting on the sofa biting his fingers. He looks panicked and sad. "Y/n!" He says getting up and dragging me to the kitchen. "Roger I'm really t-" I begin to speak but stops as I see a lipstick stain on the collar of his white shirt. "Where were you?" I ask instead. "Went to have a drink." He says looking down. He was still tipsy. I nod my head not wanting to tell him about anything. "I'm gonna go to bed." I say but he stops with his strong hold on my arm. "Um, no. I mean, I have to tell you something." He says stuttering with his words. "Roger, what's going on?" I ask. His behaviour was completely different from earlier at Freddie's house.

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