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celebritynews: ||EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH MISS PALVIN|| We would like to thank @realbarbarapalvin for taking the time to allow us to ask her questions about her past love life Darbara and of course Harbara

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celebritynews: ||EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH MISS PALVIN|| We would like to thank @realbarbarapalvin for taking the time to allow us to ask her questions about her past love life Darbara and of course Harbara. Enjoy!

Question: These past couple of months have been hard for you ever since you admitted being abused by Dylan?

Answer: Oh god yes. I wouldn't have imagine my relationship with Dylan to go extreme as it did.

Question: When did he start being aggressive or was it mentally?

Answer: honestly it was mostly mental abuse I had to endure, with a little bit of physical. It started back when me and Harry had fixed our issues and decided to be friends again. I had asked Dylan if we could meet up but he would just say no. I decided I'd go meet Harry secretly which sounds bad but it wasn't what it seemed. He eventually found out and completely changed for the worse. Every night he put me down saying I wasn't good enough and calling me names. I let it get to me and I just shut off. My mental health was just terrible at that time so I had to go with someone i trusted the most which was Harry. One night I had decided to go out and Harry tagged along then a picture that we had taken was posted. Dylan found out and let's just say I had to hide my face for awhile. I don't wAnt to go into detail by detail cause it just haunts me.

Question: Thats completely understandable, but why did you stay with him?

Answer: Because I made myself believe that what he was doing was okay and that he loved me. But in reality I just didn't want to be alone. And that was the sad truth.

Question: did you love him? And did he love you?

Answer: yes we did, we loved each other. I think we just loved each other too much. And it's crazy how pictures can fool an audience. I was happy with him dont get me wrong but I felt a piece of me missing. I don't know how to explain it, it's just something that only I understand and it's hard to tell the rest of y'all.

Question: You've been through so much, you really are one of the most strongest woman out there. Now we're so happy you are out of that toxic relationship. How have you been doing??

Answer: I'm good. I've had so many people supporting me and helping me through this.
I couldn't have done it alone, I swear. I'm here and I'm happy.

Question: Now we know that you went to a 2 week vacation with a special someone....

Answer: oh gosh...yes I did. It was fantastic, I loved every second of it.

Question: So here's the question I think we all have been waiting to ask you. Are you and Harry back together? We've seen you guys with each other for 7 months already but y'all still haven't informed us only teased us with Instagram posts about each other.

Answer: Okay. I can't keep hiding this no longer I suppose, but yes we have. Me and Harry are dating again.

Question: Yes! We love y'all together so much. When did it happen and how ???

Answer: After I had called it quits with Dylan, we just started to see each other for about 5 months. We mended things and we communicated that's what we lacked back then. I just realized that what I really needed is Harry. It was always Harry.

Question: Do you love Harry?

Answer: I guess I never really stopped loving him. I love him. The love I had for Dylan was different then the way I love Harry. Harry has been there for me, he does so many things that the world does not know. And those things are fucking amazing he's someone super special. I'm lucky to have him in my life again.

Question: how long have you guys been dating now??

Answer: For about 6 months now. We agreed to keep it on the low for awhile. He's amazing. He's my world.

Question: Well we're happy for you, we wish you guys the best of luck! Thank you for taking your time to answer these questions. We appreciate it so much.

Answer: Thank you so much for having me.

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