🎭Working in criminal minds🎭

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Story description:Your a 17 year old actress,you are about to work on set of criminal minds and you have a massive crush on Matthew and youv you wanted to work on criminal minds for ages,your finnaly about to

My alarm woke me up. I was really excited and a bit nervous . It was a sunny day. I got ready,had my breakfast of (y/c) then i was out the door,into the limo they sent me. As i got closer and closer i became more and more nervous 'i mean i was actully gonna meet matthew and work on my favorite show. The limo parked and walked to the set,still nervous as hell. I saw the rest of the cast. They all,introduced themselves,even though i already know who they are,a pretty girl with long blond hair walked up to me and began,"hi im AJ" and she shook my hand, a big buff african american walked up and and shook my hand,"Hello little lady, im Sheemar",right beside him was an older Italian man",hi im Joe", a tall serious looking man came from behind me and then faced me, he was shaking my hand while introducing himself,"Hi im Thomas,nice to meet you",a pretty girl who seemed friendly,with blond haired girl with glasses came rushing over to me and hugged me,"hello im Kristen", i hugged her back,a pretty girl with long black hair came behind her,"Hello im pagett", "hello every im (Y/N) its nice to meet you all im playing Lana,the girl whi gets kidnapped".
I was wondering where Matthew was.I turned my head slightly and saw him, OMG there is i was thinking, i was shaking on the inside, there he was with his brown luscious curls and broen eyes you could drown in, "Hello there im Matthew are you the girl whos playing Lana", "yeah i am, im (Y/N) nice to meet you,im a really big fan of your work", he smiled and shook my hand "its nice to meet you to (Y/N)"

READY! we heard the director say. Everybody got into place. I was on a chair tied down,then matthew,who plays Spencer was to save me

ACTION! The director yelled, the unsub(the bad guy) was about to kill me,and i was crying, untill Spencer bardged in and shoot the unsub ,Spencer untied me and carried me out of the building to saftey, i was thinking "he is really cute for a 38 year old"

CUT! Matthew put me down, "nice work court" i was thinking "OMG did he just call me by my nickname". "Thanks, you to" i replied.

Later that night i was laying down in bed thinking about how much fun that was and how much fun working on the set will be for the next few years, "i cant wait till tomorrow".

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