Love at First Fight

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Everyone was rushing around the small mansion, careful to make way for the Pregnant Petra Ral. With her husband close. Eren slowily dragged himself from his room as he looked at Jean who was dragging the sleeping Reiner and his bags. They were all leaving for West today, in the Rocky Mountains, Levi had gotten a free month long trip from the Ex Commander to the Military Veronika Locke, and at her lakeside resort. 

Historia hummed to herself as she passed Eren, patting his head as she did. Ymir shot him a glare as he flinched a bit, he had just broken up with his now ex girlfriend, Annie. And was still pretty upset. Although she beat the living shit out of him in training. 


Levi's voice boomed as he stood next to Erwin, Hanji and Mike and his arms crossed. So quickly Eren began to get ready, pulling on clothes as he rushed through the hallways, he had luckily left his luggage in Armin's room the night before. They, sadly, were all taking a bus, one of those fancy ones though. 

He was ready just in time though too, just as Levi was calling roll, Mikasa blushed as she saw him walk up in front of her. She liked him although she was Levi's little sister and Eren's somewhat older adoptive one. As soon as they piled onto the bus Eren kept his eyes shifted out the window, Mikasa put her earbuds in and listened to Dubstep the whole time.

Armin sat next to Mikasa, Jean was across from them with Marco and Mina. Reiner, Bert, and Bert's girlfriend, Elisa sat together as well. Ymir was cuddling Krista in the back as Hanji and Mike looked through Tumblr on Hanji's tablet, Erwin was asleep and Levi sat next to Petra with his hand on her stomach.

Over a day passed and they were finally at the resort, Eren's eyes widened at the beauty of the place. It was huge. Music was blaring loudly as there was a stage set up in the recreational area next to the lake. On it stood a band of about five people. Three of them were girls and two were boys. The leader was a girl, her hair was blonde with a red and purple streak in it with matching tips. She had an axe shaped guitar with the name "Locke" ingraved into it, next to her was a girl with light brown short hair with freckles and brown eyes, she played the bass. They seemed to be playing "Rolling in the Deep"

Eren's face lit up with a pink as he heard her sing, her voice was low and beautiful. Mikasa swayed a bit before grabbing his hand dragging him to the crowd. She began to sing with the leader, soon everyone else but the adults joined. Erwin smirked because he was the only one who knew who she was, because he was dating her sister.

Eren got a better view of her from there; she wore a pair of black thigh highs, studded boots, and a tank-top with a skull on it and white shorts. She was breathtaking. Reiner leaned in and smirked, whispering into Eren's ear, "Beauty, ain't she?" He smirked as Eren blushed and furrowed his brows. "N-... Yes" 

Before they finished off, Eren and the group were called back to Levi where they met up with a blonde woman who stood at the height of five foot eleven, and looked almost like the girl on the stage but older and had straight bangs and longer hair. 

"Brats. This is Ex Commander Veronika Locke, she is one who runs this resort." Levi spoked quietly, a bit intimidated by the heights of all around. 

"Just call me Ver, you can hopefully meet my daughters later. Vienna is around here somewhere.. Most likely in the kitchen, and Finna," The woman stopped short, watching as Finna put her guitar away, "You can all meet her on your own. And Keenan, well, she's currently looking for her boyfriend-" Erwin coughed a bit as he stepped forward, holding his hand out, "I'm Erwin Smith, I'm Keenan's boyfriend. I meant to arrive earlier but Levi doesn't trust me driving myself in." Veronika giggled, shaking Erwin's hand, "Pleased to meet you, Erwin. You seem perfect for my daughter." Erwin's cheeks were dusted with a bit of pink as he let out a hardy chuckle, "Thank you, Mrs. Locke." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2014 ⏰

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