Anybody Have a Map?

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Eva: Dear Eva Hansen: Today is going to be an amazing day, and here's why. Because today, all you have to do is just be yourself...But also confident. That's important. And interesting. Easy to talk to. Approachable. But mostly be yourself. That's the big- that's number one. Be yourself. Be true to yourself...Also, though, don't worry about whether your hands are going to get sweaty for no reason and you can't make it stop no matter what you do, because it's not going to happen, because you're just, all you have to do is be yourself...(fast) I'm not even going to worry about it, though, because seriously it's not like- it's not going to be like that one time you had the perfect chance to introduce yourself to Zack Murphy at the jazz band concert last year, when you waited afterward to talk to him and tell him how good he was, and you were going to be super casual like you didn't even know his name, like he would introduce himself and you'd be like, "Wait, I'm sorry, I didn't hear you, Mack, you said your name was Mack?" And then he'd be in like, " No, it's Zack, I said Zack." And you'd be like, " Oh, see, I thought you said Mack because I don't even- I'm very busy with other stuff right now is the thing." But then you didn't, you didn't even end up saying anything to him anyway, because you were scared your hands were sweaty- which weren't that sweaty until you started worrying that they were sweaty, which made them sweaty, so you put them under the hand dryer in the bathroom, but then they were still sweaty, they were just very warm now, as well.

Henry: So you just decided not to eat last night?

Eva: Oh, I'm- um, I wasn't hungry...

Henry: You're a senior in high school, Eva. You need to be able to order dinner for yourself if I'm at work. You can do it online now. You don't have to talk to anyone on the phone. I know you don't like the phone.

Eva: Okay, but see, that's not true actually. You have to talk to the delivery person when they come to the door. Then they have to make change. You have to stand there while it's silent and they're counting the change and...

Henry: This is what you're supposed to be working on, Eva. With Dr. Sherman? Talking to people. Engaging with people. Not running away from people.

Eva: You're right. I'm going to get a lot better.

Henry: No, I know you are. And that's why I made you an appointment with Dr. Sherman for this afternoon. I'll pick you up right after school.

Eva: I already have an appointment next week.

Henry: And I thought maybe you could use something a little sooner. Have you been writing those letters she wants you to do? The letters to yourself? The pep talks? "Dear Eva Hansen. This is going to be a good day and here's why." Have you been doing those?

Eva: I started writing one. I'll finish it at school.

Henry: Those letters are important, sweetie. They're going to help you build your confidence. Seize the day.

Eva: I guess

Henry: I don't another year of you sitting at home on your computer every friday night, telling me you have no friends.

Eva: Neither do I.

Anybody Have a Map?

Henry: Can we try to have an optimistic outlook? Huh? Can we buck up just enough to see the word won't fall apart? Maybe this year we decide we're not giving up before we've tried. This year we make a new start. Hey, I know. You can go around today and ask the other kids to sign your cast, how about that? Wouldn't that be the perfect icebreaker, wouldn't it?

Eva: Perfect

Henry: I'm proud of you already.

Eva: Oh... Good.

Henry: Another stellar conversation for the scrapbook. Another stumble as I'm reaching for the right thing to say. I'm kinda coming up empty, can't find my way to you... Does anybody have a map? Anybody maybe happen to know how the hell to do this? I don't know if you can tell, but this is me pretending to know. So where's the map? I need a clue. 'Cause the scary truth is, I'm flying blind, and I'm making this up as I go.

Cyrus: It's your senior year, Connie. You are not missing the first day.

Connie: I already said I'd go tomorrow. I'm trying to find a compromise here.

Cyrus: Are you going to get involved here or are you too busy on your email, Laura?

Laura: You have to go to school, Connie.

Cyrus: That's all you're going to say?

Laura: What do you want me to say? She doesn't listen. Look at her. She's not listening. She's probably high.

Zack: She's definitely high.

Connie: Fuck you

Zack: Fuck you

Cyrus: I don't need you picking on your sister right now. That is not constructive.

Zack: Are you kidding?

Cyrus: Besides, she's not high. *Looks at Connie* *sighs*. Are you high?! I do not want you going to school high, Connie. We've talked about this.

Connie: Perfect. So then I won't go. Thanks, dad!

Cyrus: Another masterful attemt ends with disaster

Laura: Interstate's already jammed.

Cyrus: Pour another cup of coffee, and wach it all crash and burn.

Zack: Connie finished the milk!

Cyrus: It's a puzzle, it's a maze. I try steer through it a millon ways. But each day's another wrong turn.

Laura: I better head out

Zack: If Connie's not ready, I'm leaving without her.

Cyrus: Does anybody have a map?

Henry: Anybody have a map?

Cyrus, Henry: Anybody maybe happen to know how the hell to do this? I don't know if you can tell, but this is me just pretending to know.

Henry: So where's a map?

Cyrus: I need a clue

Cyrus, Henry: 'Cause the scary truth is,

Cyrus: I'm flying blind.

Henry: I'm flying blind.

Cyrus: I'm flying blind.

Henry: I'm flying-

Cyrus, Henry: I'm flying blind. And I'm making this up as I go, as I go.

Genderbent Dear Evan (Eva) Hansen Where stories live. Discover now