Thank u, nxt

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Thank you, next.Thank you, Brenden and Oakley. Although my time with both of you was when we were 10 years old, I did learn from you. You both taught me that stereotypes mean nothing. You both were the "cutest" boys in my class and I was the weird girl. But I pursued you anyway and ended up being with you. You taught me confidence when I was young. It didn't matter what "status" I was. Thank you, Riley. again I was very young when I was with you. But you taught me that continuous admiration is a precious and rare thing. Thank you, Jeremiah. You taught me that I should never settle for someone I don't truly have feelings for. It isn't fair to either of us, and I ended up hurting you. And you didn't deserve that and it wasn't worth it. Thank you, Adam. You taught me that a relationship solely through text means nothing. So you cheating on me should have meant the same. If I'm not good enough to pursue anywhere other than through your screen, it's YOU who isn't good enough for ME. Thank you, Caleb. You taught me that true and honest connection between two people is rare and should be cherished. Our youthful saga saught through many challenges, being distance from countries to friends interfering. You taught me that loved ones deserve perserverance and effort. Thank you, Mike. You taught me to know my boundaries and rules. If I wasn't ready to do something, I didn't have to do it. Thank you, Jacob. You were my first kiss. My first summer fling. You were perfect for me at that time. You taught me confidence in a new, mature way. I wasn't little anymore. My relationships then had more depth. Thank you, David. You taught me to take things slowly and not overwhelm my partner by being on another level. You also taught me to not pursue people when I put more effort in. Thank you, Chris. You were more a friend than anything. Thank you for teaching me to be close with someone with very different beliefs, but still appreciate each other. Thank you for also teaching me to cheer on my partner, but that I deserve the same in return. Thank you, Hayden. Thank you for teaching me I don't always have to be with someone if they like me. Crushes can fade, but friendships are hard to gain back once lost. Thank you for also being my last easygoing relationship. Thank you, Savannah. I have a lot to thank you for. Thank you for being the first person to show me that I can love anyone, specifically gender. Thank you for being my first love. Our love grew fast. Dangerously so. I learned from our relationship that love is not everything that should consume a relationship. A stronger foundation is necessary. But thank you for teaching me to always try to grow with my partner. Thank you also for giving me a positive break up and a friendship free of bitterness to follow. Thank you, Josh. Thank you for being a friend first and taking something very precious to me. I gave it to you because we always had an initial attraction underneath an unexpected friendship. Thank you for being cautious and kind. Thank you, Colby and Alex. Thank you for teaching me to respect and protect myself. People can be obsessive and slightly creepy, and I have every right to walk away whenever. Thank you, Zack. Thank you for beginning to teach me to know my worth and how I should be treated. Thank you for also showing me that I can also be serious with a man and that it makes no difference. Thank you, Andrew. Thank you for showing me that it is okay to do drugs as a passtime, but very dangerous to do as a lifestyle. Thank you, Peter. Thank you for being fun. We had a friendship above everything and you always cared and made me laugh. Thank you for also teaching me not to put all my feelings into something I knew had an expiration date. Oh, and thank you for also teaching me to never trust anybody else's birth control method. Thank you, Lauren. You taught me the most. First, you taught me to trust my gut and if someone gives me a bad feeling, end it then. Thank you for also showing me that it is not my job to change people- I need to stop romanticizing the idea. Thank you for teaching me that my trust is not to be handed out, and once broken, tread lightly. Thank you for teaching me I deserve the world, and if someone can't give it to me, I should never give it to them. Thank you for teaching me that being genuine is essential. Otherwise your whole life is fake. Thank you. Thank you all for teaching me the individual lessons that you did. And thank you for showing me that none of you were good enough for me, and in return, I wasn't good enough for you. Maybe at the time it seemed differently, but looking back I know. The only person who will ever be good enough for me, is me. And throughout all of my relationships, the one that had the most trouble was mine with myself. So thank you all for teaching me that I come first. So whoever is next, thank you for accepting all of who I am. Because if you don't, then you won't be next. So whoever you are, just know that I'm first, you'll always just be next.

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