Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 Normal Day Thank The God!

The next morning I changed into my red skinny jeans and white tank top and a flowered belt, and my leather jacket. I ran down stairs pulling on my military boots while I grabbed my backpack and skateboard.

Surprising I passed One Direction getting an apple. I ignored my mum and grabbed a water bottle. "honey r-" "mum, I am riding my motorcycle today don’t worry, god!" "you have a motorcycle?" Liam asked. "yep, bye y’all!"

I walked out of the house an into MY garage. Yep I have my own with my cars and cool stuff. I hopped on my baby and tied my skateboard to it and put a stupid helmet on.

I started it up and backed out of the garage and waved at the boys with their mouths open. Hahah "bye, boys" and I drove to the donut place.

When I walked into the dunking donuts with my helmet under my armpit. I saw that the police officers were their today. One of them is my friends dad.

"hey, Mr. S" I told him. "hey Ashley, how are you, today?"

"I’m fine, getting breakfast" "good, staying out of trouble are we?"

"uhmm, kinda" I turned to order my donuts and coffee.

I spent the next hour talking to the police officers.

I looked at my pretend watch, "looks like I missed first period, do you mind coming with me?" I asked him. He usually tells them why I am late if I am talking to him.

"sure, bye guys" he waved to his friends and we both got on our motorcycles.

We both walked into the school next to each other while other people stared. Haha I love having them think I got in trouble with the police.

We passed the gym kids and surprising the whole One direction had P.e together.

We got to my locker and I shuffled my helmet in their and walked to the office with Tony.


I skipped my four periods cause I wanted to. I was currently sitting alone with my feet up on the table eating an apple when the boys plopped their trays on MY table.

"Ashley, why did you show up with a police this morning?" Louis asked before Liam could. I decided to mess with them. "got in trouble because I smashed his cop car with my bike" I said in a calmly voice. "WHAT?!" they all yelled at me getting stares from other people.

I laughed at them. "no. no. I was kidding!" I said in a ‘duh’ say.

They all went silent. "you really think I would do that?" they all nod their heads expect Niall and Liam. Haha. "anyway, I am best friends with Tony"

"really? How?" Niall asked. "best friends dad" "but you said you didn’t have any friends?" "well, we don’t talk anymore, but her dad and I do"

Right as i threw away my finished apple their was a yell. "Jillian Elizabeth Ann Rosette Carter Michael!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Oh shit, i ducked under the table. Next thing i know it, i was being pulled by my tiny ear to the center of the lunch room.

I glanced over to MY table where the boys sat with worried faces. I was confused and worried too. I forgot what I did over the weekend.

"Stop staring at the wall, you idiot!" the teacher yelled at me. Wow someone's on their period. "sorry, sorry, sorry, now tell me what I did".

"you forgot huh?, well how but we show you?" she said and by a click of a button the lights go out and a tv screen is on the wall. Ummm pretty impressive. In a second, the tv/smartboard turned on their stood me.

I was in my awesome black suit and was grinning at the camera. Of course I knew their was cameras everywhere, thats why i do it.

In the video, i flipped off the people and skated toward the entrance of the school. I still don't remember what i did. I walked in and the cameras whiched.

Taking my eyes off of the tv for a bit I realize everyone was staring at the tv. Humph! I sat on the ground and looked back up to it.

I was walking to the gym. Weird I don't like the gym and i certainly don't do my pranks their. I watched myself as I climbed the latter, and took spray paint, i shook it and started drawing.

Umm... I must slept walked cause I had this dream last night, I did exactly this...

I was doing an art piece that I have been working on. In my dream, I wanted to show people it.

On the tv, when i was done drawing and spray painting, i put everything back where it was and walked out.

The tv turned off and the lights came on.

I looked at the tall Lady, "bitch, come with me!" she growled. wow. ha I'm the bitch. No one calls me that without getting punished.

I stood up and slapped bitched her. "call me a bitch one more time and I'll end you" I said in a creepy voice. I walked back to the table and grabbed my stuff.

I hopped my skateboard and rolled to the office.


I ended up having lunch dudy... haha Like I am gonna do that! I walked out of the office feeling proud of myself.


I ditched class and road my awesome bike home.


I was reading a book when i got a text.


" you better watch your back, bitch" It read. From Drake.




"r u all right, Gelly?" Niall asked walking in my room with the boys following him. "yeah" I pulled on a fake smile.

"thatz good"

They all sat around me as i opened my book once more. "I didn't know you read" Liam said.

"yeah, I do" I smiled. I looked at the clock, 9:00 p.m.


"go to bed, guys, its 9:00". They nodded and left.



had to put this on here, didn't finish it sorry :( hope u like it though... it is the same as the other Chapter 7. i had to put a little bit to the end so my next chapter will make sense, since i used a setting! :) ~ashley

My Imagery Friend is Best Friends with Niall Horan's Imagery Friend, MichaelWhere stories live. Discover now