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Park Jimin's POV

It's been 2 weeks since Namjoon has started dating Jackson. I'm starting to get more and more jealous as they walk through the halls holding hands not giving a fuck of who looks and judges. They get insulted and they don't mind. 

They protect and love each other and I hate it. I hate them. Jackson doesn't deserve Namjoon. I always invite Namjoon to parties but, he always comes with Jackson and he always runs away with him. 

I've decided to end this once and for all.

"JACKSON!" I shout. The whole school turns to me. "We fight outside by the football field. Whoever wins... wins Namjoon." I hold my hand out. "Deal." He shakes my hand.

After school, I meet Jackson outside. I take off my shirt and every girl looks at me. Jackson doesn't look intimidated. We both didn't tell Namjoon because we both know that he will try to stop us.

I throw the first punch but, he dodges it. He punches my face but, it doesn't do a lot of damage. I punch his face and he falls to the ground. I start punching and kicking him. He puts his hands up in defence. 

"STOP!" A voice shouts. We both look to the direction of which the voice came from. I see Namjoon crying. Jackson and I both get up. Namjoon runs to both of us. "I can't take this anymore! I don't want anybody fighting over me anymore! Jackson we're over!" He cries.

Jackson starts tearing up. "Namjoon..." "NO!" He shouts then runs away.

Kim Namjoon's POV

I run to the nearest bathroom and I hide myself in one of the stalls and I start crying. I hear the door open and a soft voice "Namjoon?". "Go away..." I pray. "Namjoon please come out." I knew they wouldn't go away so I came out.

I saw Jimin. "Jimin?" "Namjoon I'm sorry. I'm sorry for fighting over you." I look away and he puts his hands on my cheek.

"Look at me..." His hands guide my face to his. "Namjoon... I know we just met but, I have something to say." "I love you Namjoon... and I always will." I get surprised from Jimin. 

But my mouth turns into a smile. "I love you too." I say. He looks at me. He smiles and he leans in to kiss me. We kiss and it feels more different than Jackson's kisses. Jackson's was sloppy but Jimin's was soft, and full of passion.

Jimin deepens the kiss and I fall backwards against the wall. His right knee position themselves in between my legs and the left outside my right leg.

His lips leave mine and he starts to trail kisses down my jaw to my neck. He finds my sweet spot then sucks. I let out a moan and I could feel his lips make a smile. 

He leaves a hickey on my neck. "Now everybody will know you're mine." He whispers in my ear. His voice is enough to send shivers down my spine.

I get up and we both walk out of the bathroom holding hands.

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