The beast

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You know that feeling when your sitting in class and everyone around you vanishes?. No? We'll let me explain it to you. First of all you're just confused, then you start to think, and you check outside your classroom. When they're not there, you walk around a bit until you finally realise that everyone is actually gone. Then you notice the massive bulky mass at the end of the hallway. You start towards it and then abruptly stop, there is something very wrong here.


I stare at it. It is huge. What is it? These thoughts race through my head as I walk down the hallway to the huge hulking figure. And that's when it turns around. It is a huge monster, bigger than a bear. Its fangs are dripping with saliva that melts the ground below it. The beast licks it's lips and advances. I'm frozen on the spot, paralysed with fear. I run. Not away from the monster, to it. Why am I doing this?! Turning around, I begin to scream as it pursues me through the school. For such a huge thing, it moves really fast. I hear a roar of pain (at least I think pain) from behind me. I don't look back for fear of it catching up. SMASH! a window breaks and in come more of the beasts. I'm still screaming. I wonder if I can get out of the school. Where is the science classroom? Oh right. I've been coming to this school for like 12 years, I should know where to go. I run into the science classroom and find it empty. Except for flames. Flames here, flames there, licking at the explosives cupboard...WAIT! THE EXPLOSIVES CUPBOARD! I dive through the window just as the flames burn away the last of the cupboard door. Have to run, have to get to- BOOM! The blast propels me backwards into a bush. "Ouch!" I say. Right, now to find out what on earth happened to everyone on the planet.

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