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The darkness swelled up to meet me as I lost consciousness. I could hear Eva screaming in the background and Zac yelling. The pain abruptly stopped as the darkness completely wrapped itself around me. I found myself lying on the ground outside a house. I realise it's mine, before the apocalypse. The truth is, I suffered from amnesia when I was seven, and can't remember before that. Whenever I try to remember, I hit a brick wall in my mind, and pain erupts through me. I shudder at the memory of the most vicious attack. It was on a Wednesday afternoon, after school. I had been thinking about all the things I had done in my life. Of course, my thoughts wandered to the blank spot in my head that was surrounded by walls of pure pain. I passed out that day. The people around me had said that my screaming reminded them of the times when they had felt true pain. I spent about a month in hospital after that, they wouldn't let me go. I had nearly gone insane that day. The only reason I stayed sane, was that I kept one thought in my head "got to get through this for Eva, got to protect her". She thought the tale was sweet, but I considered it some extremely serious. I had nearly died that day, it's not the first time I have been in debt to her. She has helped me countless amounts of times, and I haven't had anything to repay her with. Then was my chance. And I missed it. I stand up. The house is relatively large, my guardians were very successful people. I walk up to the house, it's frozen in time. I put my hand out to open the door, and my hand goes straight through. Without hesitation, I walk through the door and find myself in the hallway of my home. My guardians are floating in the air and a monster is doing horrible things to them. It turns, and it's eyes burn. Green flames come out of its eyes. "You" it says, licking its lips. My eyes go wide, my mouth dries up. The creature from my nightmares. It has haunted me from the day I woke up in the hospital, suffering from amnesia, to the day the apocalypse started. Without thinking. I visualise a sword in my hand, and it appears. I charge at the beast. "Get away from them! I jump up and slice at it. The sword explodes in my hand and light wraps around me. BOOM! The walls around us blast outwards. I throw a punch at the creature's chest, and my hand punches through its flesh. I grab its heart and yank it out of its chest. The monster screams and combusts, blowing everything away. My body dissolves and I again fall into darkness..

When I wake. Zac is standing over me, balling his eyes out. "First I lose my girlfriend, now I lose my best friend" he yells. "WHY!? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DIE!?". From where my head rests, I can see my spine, jutting up through my chest. It slowly starts moving. Zac doesn't notice at first but when he does his eyes open wide. My spine goes back into my chest and I feel it moving into the right place. The huge hole in my chest shrinks to a small scar. I move my head and see that I'm still clutching the monster's heart. It must have the same healing propitious as Eva does. It brought me back to life! "LEO!?" Zac yells and hugs me tightly. He doesn't let go for a while five minutes. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!". "I was". I slowly get up and stretch. I must find Eva. I scan the corridor. Flames are everywhere. "Zac, can you blast us a path?". "Sure can". WHOOSH! BOOM! The rubble around us clears and Zac scouts ahead. "All clear! Let's move!" Zac says. I run forwards and jump over a hole. There is a door with heaps of alien guards patrolling it about 100m away. I guess since I have telepathic powers, I can move pieces of rubble. I lift up a small rock, and imagine that it's floating. It rises up into the air just as I imagined it to. I imagine it flying across the room, and hitting an alien. And sure enough, it hits the alien. Zac rains bullets on the aliens and I chuck pieces of rubble at them. We cut a path through the horde and move to the doors. Zac hits a button and the doors open. He slices the control panel off and we dive inside the doors just as they close. Inside their is a large alien seated on a throne with Taylor and Eva, chained up at his feet. The alien critters something at his guards that doesn't sound like "hey! You should welcome our guests by giving them presents and nicely giving their girlfriends back". Instead, it was probably like "HOW THE HELL DID THEY GET IN HERE! SHOOT THEM UNTIL THEIR FEET ARE WHERE THEIR HEADS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE!" As I said, not a nice thing. Zac and I charge at the aliens, yelling and swearing. BLAM! SLICE! WHACK! "TAKE THAT!". I slice an alien in half and stab the other through the head. I work my way to the throne and wait for Zac. Behind the throne is a window. A huge one. We were in space. Like seriously, out of earth. Zac comes up next to me and cuts the chains off the girls. After swearing a lot at the stupid alien, we both jumped up and stabbed him through the heart. An alarm sounded and the ship dropped dramatically. I grabbed Eva and put her over my shoulder in a fireman's hold. Zac did likewise with Taylor. We run out the room, blasting away stuff. I saw an escape pod. "Our way outta here" I jumped in and pulled Zac after me. He started to pull stuff off of the control panel and hack the controls. I looked into Eva's eyes. "I love you, you are the most beautiful girl in the world, and I would do anything to save you" I say and kiss her. "YES!" Zac yelled and jumped up. He keyed in some stuff on the keyboard and the Escape pod shot out of the ship. The pod shook extremely hard upon entry to the atmosphere. So hard that it broke Eva and I apart. Zac just laughed. I gave Taylor a "please shut him up" look, and she understood. She shut him up with a kiss. I looked at the controls. After pushing Zac off the chair (he didn't break apart from Taylor) I took a hold of the controls. I don't know why. But he keyed in the coordinates for the backyard swimming pool at the mansion. "Uhhhhh Zac? If you could stop kissing Taylor for a second and help me work out how to stop this thing from killing us, I would really appreciate it. He stopped and looked up, frowning. "Ok....fine...". He pressed a few buttons and the pod slowed down. "Deploying parachute". I saw the house as we broke through the clouds. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" We all screamed. WHAM! We hit. "OUCH! I said. We all got out and collapsed on the grass. (We had changed course a bit when we entered the clouds) Eva rolled on top of me and just lay there, enjoying just being with me. I loved her. And nothing could ever change that. Not even death.

Was that not awesome? I mean seriously, he died and came back to life to save her. That was awesome. Thx for reading my story! Please vote, comment or share. #YOLO jaxinaction

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