Chapter Seventeen

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I walked into my captain's office when I got to the station, and closed the door. "I was wondering whether it would be possible to have Friday off in addition to Monday."

"Absolutely. Big plans for the weekend?"

"Katie is moving in with me this week, and if we aren't finished by Friday we'll spend the day completing the move. On Saturday, I'm taking Katie to Montreal until the end of Monday. We need to be there for forty-eight hours to bring back anything duty free, and we are doing some shopping for the house. I want to finish decorating the house together with her."

Drew smiled. "I'm pleased for you, Griff. Katie seems like a wonderful person. The few times I met her, she seemed really sweet. How do you think you'll find it living with the ghosts?"

"It doesn't bother me generally, unless they aren't being very nice to her. That's the only time they bother me, since that's the only time I feel helpless and unable to do anything. It makes a difference when you can't threaten to arrest them for harassment."

"I'm sure."

"She is currently being stalked by a poltergeist." I told him about Hal, and about him stalling her car in the road the day before. "I'm not sure what to do about that."

"Open up the case", said Drew. "If it's true that his brakes weren't fixed when the mechanic said they were, this Randall has a case. We obviously can't charge the mechanic now that he's dead, but Randall could sue the estate."

"We'll review his books and compare the things that were billed against the parts bought." I left Drew's office a couple of minutes later and walked down to the office I shared with Tori and Blake. "Hi", I said to the two of them as I entered the office and flopped down on my chair, reached over and booted up my computer.

"I wasn't sure if you were taking the whole week off, or whether you were just taking the day off yesterday", said Blake.

"We were just discussing it", said Tori. "Blake said that he thought you were taking the rest of the week, and I said that you were just taking the day."

"You are both wrong, actually", I said with a smile. "I took yesterday, and I'm taking Friday as well as next Monday. Katie and I have weekend plans."

"Oh, yeah?" said Tori. "What are you planning on doing?"

"Katie is helping my mother make jam on Friday and Saturday, and after the jam is made Katie and I are driving up to Montreal for the rest of the weekend. We're coming back on Monday evening."

"Sounds great. What's the occasion?"

"Katie and I are shopping for décor for the master."

"Does this mean that she's moving in?" said Tori in a squeal.

"Yes, she is", I said with a grin. "She has finally agreed to move in, and I finished making her closet last night so that she has somewhere to hang her clothes. On Thursday night we are planning on moving the last of her things into my place."

"That's great, Griff", said Tori. "I'm really happy for you."

"Yeah, buddy", said Blake. "She's a good woman, and I hope you have many years of being happy together."

"Thanks. Now we just have to get over these few ghosts and things will be wonderful."

"Ghosts? As in more than one?" said Tori. "I know about Austin."

"There's another one. Hal", I said, and I told them about the mechanic, what he wanted, and how he was trying to convince Katie to help him. "I don't know who was more scared yesterday – Katie or me. It could have been disastrous. I was thinking that since Tori is working the Austin case, you could take lead on the Hal case, Blake, and I'll provide support to both cases."

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