The Creek

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Dippers POV-

Where was it? I turn to Mabel. "I swear it was right here!" 

I'm not looking where I'm going when my foot hits a rock. I trip. Mabel lurches out her hand, and I grab for it, nearly missing. I fall, water soaking my clothes. 

Mabel giggles. "I guess we found it!" She jumps in, splashing me with water. 

"Hey!" I splash her back, and soon it escalates into all out war. After a while we stop, and Mabel reccomends we prank Grunkle Stan, leaving then reappearing with a bucket a while after. We fill it and head back to the shack. Mabel smirks at me, then turns to the shack.

"Oh Staaaan!" She shouts, her hands cupped over her mouth.

Stan comes out of the shack, looking annoyed. "What is it this ti-"

He is interupted by the bucket of water. 

He laughs sarcastically. "Haha, very funny. I'm not in the mood right now." 

He mumbles something under his breath then goes back inside. Mabel looks dissapointed.

"That was....not as fun as I thought it would be."

I nod, heading inside myself. I shiver, feeling weird, and suddenly extremely tired. I yawn.

"I'm.....gonna go take a nap."

Mabel looks tired as well. She nods, then follows me inside.

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