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Previous Chapter:

This isn't right.. I have to tell Yoongi...

I went rush back to the red doors and open it wide. I pant catching my breath. I look at the others, they were worried and curious as they stood up. Yoongi was especially concern. I stood up straight and told the news..

"There's trouble."
Mia POV:

*clink clink clink*

I raise my head up hearing the sound out side of the door. I look around and I was in a dark room.. and empty room. I soon hear the door unlock and and the door opens. I quick hid behind the door. As soon as the person walk past the me, I immediately knocked him down with my punch on his temple. I look at him and run off but I notice a gun on him. I quickly took it and hit it under my shirt . I walk in fast pace.

How could Jackson do this? What a jerk. I need to find a way out before his men's will kill me... It's possible now that I'm Suga fiancé. They wouldn't want the power to get even more powerful so they have to take something away ... and thats me.. fuckk!

I hid walls to walls and man, there was so many stairs.. where am I?! I ran past a bright light and took a step back realizing it's not just a bright light. It's the moonlight. A window where you can see the city. I spotted that tall company I was at before. I look down off of the window but it was wayyy to high down...

"WHERE DID SHE GO!!" A voice echo behind me. Shit this is bad. I ran the other way and brings me an elevator but right before I can make it, I realize there was someone coming to this floor, 42 floor?! Whatattt?

Shit shit shit!?

I took down stairs and rush through. Some men's spotted me and I fell and sprain my ankle but I was still mange to run. I was on my 24th floor and couldn't run any more. I open the door and need to find an elevator. Lucky I found one. Thank you lord. I rush to it but realize the elevator door opened and about 7 men's comes out spotting me. WTF.

"THERE SHE IS! Get her!" One men says in command, as they all began to rush. I grab my hair tie and tie up my hair. I roll up my sleeves before lifting up my glasses. I smirk. Game on..

I run kicked the guy who commanded, to floor and got knocked out. They all pause. I grin.p and tilt my head. They took their gun out . Before one can shoot me. I quickly curve the bullet and kicked underneath, making him trip and fall. I grabbed him and made him shoot himself. I flip toward the others and began to attack.

After a couple minutes knocking them knock and one kill. I managed to get out of that floor. I was finally on the main floor and once that door open, I was going to be so free but... I was wrong.  Jackson's whole crew was there surrounded the place. I was trapped. Fuck.

Jackson was looking at me piercing a smirk. I panicked a press floor 3 as I went back up to the elevator. I'm sorry but that's too much work to attack 1000 people there. Once I got to the floor , thank god there was a window near it and wasn't that high but... the problem was, there is a hill. So if I jump off from this widow , I'll be rolling my life down-.. welp  fuck it at least I'm getting tf out of here. I broke the window and took my chance.

Just keep rolling.... just keeping rolling rolling rolling til I hit something making me stop rolling. I groan out loud. "Ouuuuchh fuck man!" I rub my head and began to feel blood. Shit. I look around and basically I was in the middle of the forest. Thank god I still have a glasses on. I wonder how it didn't brake after that fall. I shrug and began to find my way back to the city.

Yoongi POV:

I cancel the meeting as me and Hoseok went back to my place. Once we got home, I immediately called Yoonji. "YOONJI!!" I shouted. Hoseok startles next to me.

She comes out calming smiling. "You're hom-.."

"Cut the crap. Where is Mia." I clench my fist, walking toward her. Yoonji took a step back.

"Whoa whoa there. I don't know where she went, but maybe the cafe near by here." Yoonji calmly. But a hidden smirk I saw.

I was going to say one more thing to Yoonji but Hoseok interferes.

"Suga, there was a report someone got kill behind a café near by around 5:34 in the evening.." Hoseok whispers. My eyes widen. I'm pretty sure Yoonji heard and immediately panic.

"Take me there Hoseok." I said looking at Yoonji , a warning I gave her. Hoseok nods and gave me my face mask and left to the café.

Once we got there we have to be extremely careful. Not letting us be expose. I'm not getting in jail again. That shit was rough. But anyways, there was a lot of reporters there and crowds of people of curiosity. I turn to Hoseok. "How many was there? Was there more? Or just one." I asked, knowing Mia can pull off to anybody. But if she's the person that is dead. That means I have to fine another one?! Like are you kidding me! I sigh.

"No, sir. Just one" Hoseok answered. I sigh.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!! EXCUSE ME!" The ambulance was rushing to the car dragging the body on the bed. I stoped them. Hoseok held on to me. "What do you doing?"

"Can I see the persons face. I need to know exactly who it is." I pulled off the cover quickly and my eyes widen, I know this man...

Soon they took him away. I was relieved that Mia is still alive, but man who was in that bed. Why was he here.? I clenched my fist and head on back to the car and goes back home. I'mma deal with Yoonji first.

Once I got back home. There she was sitting on the couch watching the News. She slowly turns around and look down. I walk to her furiously and shouted. "What were you planning to do with Mia?! Huh!" She flinch. "Spit it out Yoonji!! You were going to kill her weren't you?"

"BECAUSE she's going to ruin you Yoongi! She'll just go for your money and use you! I don't want her as my SISTER-IN-LAW!!-.."


We both look back, at Hoseok interrupting us. "Argue another time! There's a bigger problem..." We stood silent for him to continue, ".. Mai is still Missing.."

To Be Continue

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