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My school life already sucked, so I didn't give a damn about detention due to my morning stroll on the fieldtrip. The problem was really with my dad, who had obviously heard about it, and thought of grounding me from outings, but it didn't make much sense because, aside from the school and the Supernatural club, I never went out... Although going to the club no longer made any sense. The experience had altered my whole perspective.

And speaking about perspectives, in my version of the story that I told my family, someone had tried to assault me and I was rescued by the owner of a café, causing him troubles, he also ended up sheltering and afterwards scolding me, with the promise of pulling my ears If I ever was that careless again. My uncles were happy to know I finally made a friend.

Grounded and all, my dad, still upset by my carelessness (and embarrassed for the full hour of apologies given to him by the school staff), two months later confiscate a package that arrived by mail addressed to Miss Ve for two weeks. When I finally opened it, I discovered that it had a postcard from Los Angeles, and many polaroid photos of night scenes, of the bar, of them fooling around and one picture of Dux, sleeping on a sofa. My address was obviously on the package. Keppel had found a way. On Riddan's behalf, there was a keychain with a gift: the key to Noctambula.

When summer vacations arrived (and ironically safeguarded for my impeccable behavior), I had already convinced my dad to let me go back to the city, to work part-time as a dishwasher at the Café, in order to pay my debt to the strict owner and lea...

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When summer vacations arrived (and ironically safeguarded for my impeccable behavior), I had already convinced my dad to let me go back to the city, to work part-time as a dishwasher at the Café, in order to pay my debt to the strict owner and learn to be responsible. All this, an idea from the dynamic duo, was backed by my uncle Elías moving to the city.

thus, on the fourth day of vacations, I walked the streets by heart in the afternoon light, until I got to my favorite place ever; I had the pleasure of using my own key, and after closing the door behind me, I verified that this place with closed curtains, smelled even better than I remembered. That's when I saw the open mouthed and bemused owner, descending the stairs, half dressed, I announced with my arms wide open and my best smile:

"Dux, did you miss me?"

That fourth day of vacations, I swear to God that the entire neighborhood heard the foul-mouthed rant against his cousins, and even if he denied it a thousand times and threatened to call my dad, I knew he was happy to see me.



So, this is it.  Thanks to everyone for keeping up with me till the end and I really hope you had enjoyed the story as well as the illustrations.

Special Thanks to Yul for helping me with the translation.

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