Ivan Galesong

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You might get emotional because I'm a huge mood.

This is my take on Ivan's backstory

ALL FANON christ-



Just with that one whiff of toffee intertwined with a cup of green tea hit him hard

They flooded in faster than he could anticipate

The day had finally dragged to a close and now the chocolate elf was alone, just him in the HeartBox




Memories of everything

once buried, hidden in his deepest psyche where he wished they'd stay forever

A recollection of his older brothers- all his brothers actually.

His many or so siblings

A previous life

A slashed tapestry

Broken traditions, promises and legacy

Two Criminals



Life in Mint Wood.

Life as a Galesong.

What was it like?

Attention at first, lots of it; his earliest years were showered with affection as he was the youngest out of his siblings but was gradually replaced by his two younger sisters and one cousin. The days of his previous life seemed to loop and repeat, routines and schedules that seamlessly became a part of him, his parents and superiors were the only people who allowed him to break his cycle, it was normal and not that suffocating really.

Then there were vivid recollections of waking up bright, blinding light raining down in his eyes companied by the satisfying swish of his personal servant moving the curtains; it was always the same person Anascele, a chocolate elf given the weight of taking care of Cane Forests' most prestigious families' heir- 13th in line heir...

Being bathed by the same lady with a mixture of milk, lavender and essential oils collected on that same day; rest assured, this was from tradition, the water would be too opaque to see much. His hair reaching his ears at his birth slowly grew longer from a family tradition of lengthy, healthy hair symbolising a long and lucrative life. It grew from his ears to his chin continuing to his waist finally reaching his hips leading to a key point in his life. A party, specifically, his 17th birthday, or as his family called it: a ceremony celebrating his coming of age- an awful way to put his birthday but it was true.

Hardly anything was dedicated to him surviving the six thousand two hundred and five day plus the leap years, and more devoted to finding him a wife to be wedded to in the next four to five years for valuable resources while masquerading as a celebration to confirm him as a legitimate runner for the title of head of the family- even if it was useless... and impossible.

Women from Sugar Cane Fairies to more Chocolate Elves and even residents of other regions accompanied by well dressed bodyguards and relatives- his aspiring future fiancés themselves were all dressed in lavish attire, 'Are they that desperate to wed me off that my own relatives would bring outsiders to MintWood'. was the only thought that struck Ivan and stayed with him although he could without doubt confirm that many thoughts buzzed in his mind at the time.

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