Chapter 5 - Nothing is wrong

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Third POV

As everyone celebrated having Dipper back no one had even the slightest suspicion that it could be a trap. 'Remember to not only stay in human form darling but to also gain their trust so they let their guard down around you.' Bills said as he invaded Dippers mind. 'Well duh, otherwise I wouldn't even be near these disgusting humans.' Dipper answered as a dark and sinister smirk made its way to his face.

As everyone went back to their rooms for some much needed sleep, Stan, Ford and Mabel made their way down to the basement with Dipper being forced along not far behind.

"Now dipper, if it really is you, go sit down on the stool as I want to run some tests." Ford demanded as he started getting his electronic devices out. Dipper glared at his so called uncle before using a sharp tone responding. "I've told you already old man their is nothing wrong with me but if I must, I'll stir on the stupid chair so it can get through your thick skull."

All three stared in shock as he made his way over to the stool. "Umm." Mabel started hesitantly. "Could Dipper come hang out with me and the old gang before you do something." She pleaded knowing that their time was already short. Ford sighed before peering at Stan. He reacted with a small nod and smile encouraging him to let the children reunite in the limited time that they had.

Fooled ignored his families pleads but decided to do a simple truth test. "I'll let him go if he can answer these few questions, alright?" When the two nodded he turned around to face Dipper and start his examination. "Ok now they were all in agreement I'll start off easy what's your full name?"

"Mason dipper pines."

"How long has it been since we last saw each other?"

"Are you losing track of time down here sixer."

"Just answer the question you little brat."

"Ugh fine, 2 months."

"What are Bills plans for us down here and what have you been up to?"

Silence followed as Ford asked the question that they've all been wondering. Dipper slowly blinked showing how bored and uninterested he was in this before rolling his eyes and answering.

"I don't know the answer to the first question (Lairs), but what I do know is that for last few months I've been made to serve Bill."

Despite not getting the all answers he was hoping for he allowed both children to leave and watched as they ran up the stairs, with Mabel giggling happily.

"Aren't you coming on a bit harsh." Stan asked as he started to unwrap a lollipop that was not there a minute ago. Ford turned to his right to lean on his desk, rubbing his brows. "I'm just trying to protect us." As soon as those words left his mouth he knew this would turn into an argument. "From what? DIPPER!! Have you actually gone insane? He's our nephew for crying out loud"

Mabel tried not to think about how the shouting down stairs were getting louder, knowing that it's not the first time they've been at each other's throat and it certainly wouldn't be the last. She tried to not think about it as she opened her bedroom door revealing Pacifica, Soos and Wendy.

"Dude are you ok." Wendy asked as she stood up from the bed with the intention of giving him a hug. Dipper returned it as he did have to keep up his act. 'I should become an actor.' He thought as he went around giving hugs and reassuring them that he was okay. "Well." Mable announced interrupting their moment. "We've only got a limited time to hang with with my bro bro so we are going to make the most of it." The next two hours passed in a flash and before they knew it their time with Dipper was up.

"Do you have to go?" Mabel questioned as silent tears ran down her cheeks. "Don't worry Mabel I'll try to visit as much as possible now that you know that I'm alive." Dipper stated as he went in for an awkward twin hug. "Pat pat."

Before anyone could get another word in Bill appeared out of thin air. "Time to go Pinetree, we have important business to attend to." Dipper give everyone a small smile and a hug before running to Bill. As they disappeared Mabel turned to her gruncles with a serious look at her face. "We have to save him." She threatened before heading back to her room. "Don't worry sweetheart we will.....

We will."


(Hey guys sorry I've been taking so long, with exams coming up all I've been doing is studying)

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