28. record deal

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October 13th, 1986, Curt's and my home. 11:03. A.M.

I got home around 6 that morning and slide straight into bed, he must've have known I was missing. I hugged Curt and fell asleep. Later on, I pushed all of it to the side and blocked it out the best I could. These memories don't fade easily, they linger in the back of my mind forever, sometimes I forget, but sooner or later it comes back. These memories make me want to crawl into a ball and die. Again, I let them go for the moment.

I sat in the bathtub, in front of me Curt say playing with the bubbles like a little kid. I lathered the shampoo into his wet hair, he purred at the feeling of me massaging his head, "Nice a clean." I smiled, shaping his hair into a bubbly Mohawk. "I'm a grown man." He said, slightly annoyed at me babying him during his recovery process. "Yes. A grown man who loves bubble baths." I cooed, leaning my arms over his shoulders while he continued to spread his arms out under the water.

I moved my hand up to his forehead, "How's your head feeling?" He exhaled a sigh, "Brand new." He assured me. I could tell something was bothering him by the way how quiet he was being. "No. It's nothing." He mumbled, lifting himself up from the tub and wrapping a towel around his lower half. He left the bathroom, I just sat in the cloudy water, wondering if this was it. Surely, he wouldn't be this way if he had found out.

I get out, throw on any old clothing and walk into the kitchen where I find Curt, clutching the towel around his hips while speaking on the phone to someone, he nods listening to the other person on the line speak. "Yes. Yes, thank you. We will be there." He hung the phone up, with a smug look on his face, he says, "We got a record deal." I jump into his arms, "You did it!" I cried out, as he hugged me so tightly, "Finally." He said, "We finally made it."

October 16th, 1986, Party. 7:23. P.M.

The band manager threw a big bash for the record deal, the entire hotel was booming with the weekend getaway rush, I stepped out onto the dance floor with Curt. He pulled me in close, as a slow song started to play from stage. This is my idea of heaven, our bodies blended together as the crowd around us danced.

I rest my chin over his shoulder, with my eyes closed we both moved in sync with each other. When I open my eyes, I notice Roland standing over by the bar with a drink in his hand. I again became drawn to him and couldn't force myself to look away.

He noticed me watching too, and gave a short smirk, knowing all too well of the exposure. I imagined that I was in his arms rather than Curt's. All his features were lost on him, all but his big brown eyes, eating away at my heart. I stayed like that for only a moment, before burying my face in Curt's shoulder.

The song had finished, we pull away from each other, "I'm thirsty." I lied, trailing my hand over his tie and straightening it, "Why don't you go get us a drink?" I asked, patting it down in pace. He nods and walks over to the bar to greet Roland.

A/N: This is one of the last chapters. So get ready 

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