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*soobin pov*
I went to the bathroom and washed my face
When i went out of the bathroom the door slammed into my face
It hurts ahh
I went to the classroom without checking my face because the bell rang
When i entered the classroom everyone was starring at me

"Are you okay Soobin?" Mr kim asked

"Yes why?"

"Your nose is bleeding"

I wiped the blood of my nose and sat next to yeonjun

Suddenly the ring for evacuation rang

Mr kim received a message and he seemed really worried
"We have to get out of here as fast as we can" he said
"Why" one of the girls asked
"Don't ask just go home and lock the door" Mr kim said

We all went out of the classroom and me and Yeonjun went to the lockers
Yiren and Beomgyu approached us
"Did you heard what happened?" Beomgyu asked
"Nancy got killed in the bathroom"
"WHAT?!" I said
"Yes there is a killer in our school"
"Let's go to my home there is save" Yiren said

"Okay but can someone come with us as well?" I asked
"Okay who" Yiren said
"It would be okay but here is dangerous
Let's go" Yiren said
Then someone patted me" I heard my name"
"Oh great Sihyun do you want to come with us" Yiren said as she smiled warmly

After 30 min we were in Yiren's house watching a movie
Yeonjun felt asleep on my shoulder
It was so adorable
"So guys it's not safe outside
Better stay here for the night" Yiren said
We all agreed
"Okay so I'll share a room with Soobin and the others will sleep in my parents' room okay?" Yiren asked
"Let's just all sleep here in the hall
There is enough space" Sihyun said

We spent the night watching movies

Then we all fell asleep

And the nightmare started

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