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hi, it's me.

as you guys can see, i haven't been updating and such, and i'm sorry. i just don't like it as much and i fell out of love with got7 — i still like their songs though, but that's that. and other than that, i made this story for fun before i knew what a social media au is. now that i know, well, i sometimes make those lmao

i will discontinue this because 1) i don't like the plot because it's going nowhere and everywhere, 2) i have no motivation to continue writing this, 3) i don't use wattpad as much as before, and 4) i'm more comfortable writing in english rather than indonesian, for i can't make narrations with aforementioned language, for some reason.

i'm not gonna unpublish this because... i don't know really, so it'll be here forever in dust.

that's all, i guess

oh and if you want to be friends with me, just hmu on twitter! my @ is cafe17s and my dms are always open! other than wattpad and twitter, you can find me on ao3, my user is astrobleme.

thank you for reading this lmao, if yall dont get what i just said before, just ask about the part you're confused about in the comments and i'll try my best to respond to you guys.

love, sasha ♡

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 21, 2019 ⏰

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